The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, April 14, 1995                 TAG: 9504140465
DATELINE: MANTEO                             LENGTH: Medium:   65 lines


On the eve of America's tax deadline, the newest member of the Dare County Board of Commissioners wants a look at some IRS forms.

Trouble is, contend county officials, the W-2 and 1099 slips Shirley Hassell wants to see aren't hers, but those of about 500 county employees.

In a memo to County Manager Terry Wheeler dated March 31, Hassell requested a printout of W-2 and 1099 forms for the year ending Dec. 31, 1994. A second request for the materials was made on April 10.

The county balked at the request, saying that to release the documents would be an invasion of employees' privacy. However, Wheeler has asked employees if they are willing to share that information with Hassell.

Hassell, however, said her intent was to obtain information as part of the budget process, not to violate employees' privacy.

``I'm not trying to invade anybody's privacy,'' she said by phone Thursday afternoon. ``All I wanted was information to do some type of comparison of payroll for budget purposes.''

Hassell said a salary study was asked for by commissioners in July of 1994, and nothing had been done. She also said she had been given a W-2 printout for 1993 by the county.

``I've wanted to consider information in the budget process,'' she said. ``There's no provision made for increases in employee salaries. But I think that's a thing of the past, since we're looking at a $2 million deficit. There are a lot of areas we can cut, but employee salaries isn't one of them.''

Hassell said she had asked, unsuccessfully, for monthly payroll reports. She said employees may be being shifted from department to department, and given increases in salary.

``If I had been given the monthly reports, I wouldn't have to ask for this printout,'' she said.

County spokesman Charles Hartig said Thursday that a letter was sent out this week along with county paychecks, asking for employees' permission to release the material.

``Before Mr. Wheeler complied with Mrs. Hassell's request, he sent a memo to the employees asking for their feelings on this,'' Hartig said by phone from the National Hurricane Conference in Atlantic City, N.J. Wheeler and Commissioner Clarence Skinner also were there.

``Some of the material contained in those forms is personal and confidential. Under our system of government in Dare County, the employees are responsible to the county manager. And it is his responsibility to look out for employees. He did not want to release personal and confidential material without the consent of employees. If they agree to it, he will release it. If not, he won't.''

Hassell's request has other members of the board confused.

``We do not know why she sent that request,'' Commissioner Geneva Perry said. ``The county attorney (Al Cole) has contacted the Institute of Government to find out if that is privileged information. He's learned that the salaries of employees is public information. But information, such as addresses, Social Security numbers, the amount employees contribute to retirement, and things like that are confidential.''

Hassell, however, reiterated that she has no interest in prying into confidential information.

``I have no interest in employees' Social Security numbers, or anything to do with their privacy. All I want is to use this for the budget process.'' by CNB