The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, April 20, 1995               TAG: 9504200443
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B5   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   73 lines


These are the actions from the Norfolk City Council meeting Tuesday. All members were present. Unless otherwise noted, all actions were unanimous.


On the application of Douglas and Associates Inc. to amend the Park Crescent Plan in the General Plan of Norfolk, 1992, to change the land-use designation on property at the northwest corner of Military Highway and Norview Avenue, fronting about 950 feet along the western line of Military Highway and about 1,005 feet along the northern line of Norview Avenue from Industrial/Transportation/Utility to Commercial/Office. Adopted.

On the application of Douglas and Associates Inc. for a change of zoning from Conditional C-2 (Corridor Commercial District) and BC-1 (Business and Commerce Park District) to Conditional C-2 (Corridor Commercial District) on property on the northwest corner of Military Highway and Norview Avenue fronting about 950 feet along the western line of Military Highway and about 1,005 feet along the northern line of Norview Avenue. Adopted.

On the application of Semper Inc., by Paul W. Gerhardt, attorney, to amend the General Plan of Norfolk, 1992, to change the land-use designation on property fronting about 750 feet along the eastern line of Hampton Boulevard, beginning about 400 feet north of Greenbrier Avenue and running north, from Industrial/Transportation/Utility to Commercial/Office; premises now or formerly numbered 8900 Hampton Blvd. Continued to May 9.

On the application of Semper Inc., by Paul W. Gerhardt, attorney, for a change of zoning from I-3 (General Industrial District) to Conditional C-2 (Corridor Commercial District) and to establish a Localized Alternative Sign Overlay District on property fronting 750 feet along the eastern line of Hampton Boulevard beginning 400 feet north of Greenbrier Avenue and running north; premises now or formerly numbered 8900 Hampton Blvd. Continued to May 9.


Recommendation for a public hearing on the application of Hampton Boulevard Car Wash and Deli for a change of zoning from I-3 (General Industrial) to Conditional C-2 (Corridor Commercial) on property at 2700 Hampton Blvd. for conversion of a vacant, one-story, 2,100-square-foot building to a delicatessen. Adopted.

Recommendation for a public hearing on the application of Frank W. Everett for a change of zoning from R-13 (Moderately High Density Multiple-Family) to Conditional C-2 (Corridor Commercial) on property at 3011 Granby St. Adopted.

Recommendation for a public hearing on the city Planning Commission's recommendation to adopt a consolidated five-year strategic plan for addressing Norfolk's housing and community development needs. Adopted.

Recommendation that the council approve the request of the XLII International Azalea Festival Committee, use of the Mace with police honor guard during the annual Azalea Festival parade and coronation ceremony. Adopted.


An ordinance appropriating $490,000, from the lease of city-owned golf courses for certain capital improvements. Adopted.

An ordinance authorizing the city treasurer to docket a lien against certain lands or premises for the expenses to abate nuisances. Adopted.

An ordinance authorizing the operation of an establishment for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption at 519 E. Little Creek Road. Adopted.

An ordinance creating and deleting positions in various departments of the city, authorizing the employment of three people in a special project status, providing funds for salaries and amending the city's compensation plan. Continued for one week.

An ordinance rezoning 9710 Chesapeake St. from R-12 (Medium Density Multiple-Family) to Conditional C-2 (Corridor Commercial). Adopted, 4-3; effective in 30 days.