The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, April 23, 1995                 TAG: 9504220129
TYPE: Editorial 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   36 lines


The ever-resourceful Sandra Lewis, whose tape-recorded sweet talk with former Vice Mayor Arthur L. Dwyer brought him to disgrace, wants a little something for her trouble.

Without batting a mascaraed eye, she says she deserves compensation for the ``physical and emotional stress'' she suffered because of publicity surrounding the ordeal.

From the start, Mrs. Lewis seemed willing to spare Chesapeake the embarrassment of a scandal. The figure $650,000 was mentioned. Neither the city nor Mr. Dwyer would pay, so she was obliged to do her civic duty and take her incriminating tapes to the authorities.

Apparently, she hasn't given up hope that there's a payoff in it for her.

The people of Chesapeake are indebted to Mrs. Lewis for documenting Mr. Dwyer's shenanigans. It needed doing, and Mrs. Lewis was in a unique position to do it.

If the experience was stressful, we can sympathize. It's been stressful on us all.

Money talk now gives credence to those who have thought all along that her motives were suspicious. But she never asked anyone to take her word about anything. She had it on tape.

Mrs. Lewis has the satisfaction of knowing that she has, in her own way, made her city a better place to live. Let that be her reward. by CNB