The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, May 7, 1995                    TAG: 9505050223
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   48 lines


Council's best investment for city's tax money: cops and kids

I urge the members of City Council to please consider the current and future needs of schools and law-enforcement officers. These are two of the most important items that must be priorities when they pass the budget.

Education. Children. Quality labor force. Public safety.

All invoke visions of the type of quality of life that we have become accustomed to and expect. The 420,000 citizens and the future citizens of Virginia Beach want the best in education for their kids and the security to pursue that and other amenities.

If we shortchange our kids and cops, then what message are we sending to the citizens? All citizens expect council to invest our tax dollars effectively and efficiently. We hold council accountable for all expenditures; but if the money is wisely invested with adequate notice, then we usually do not mind paying for those things that make Virginia Beach such a great place to call home.

Let's put politics aside and take a good hard look at what is at stake. If we cannot provide the tools and competitive curricula for the children and turn out quality graduates, then we might as well close the doors now and let the private schools take over. Businesses will not locate here if we cannot provide a quality work force. That work force begins with education. It is of vital importance that the kids have the tools they need to find good jobs and be able to support themselves and their eventual families and contribute to society. Let's not let the criminal element claim our kids. We must provide a reasonable alternative to the drug dealers and gangs who are competing for them.

Let's join the efforts of the police force to combat crime. This is a communitywide concern that needs a communitywide solution. I know Virginia Beach is among the safest cities in the country for a city our size. Let's keep it that way. Give the police the tools and personnel they need to continue to make our streets, homes and schools safe.

Let's stop playing it safe and invest in those areas where we get the greatest return: kids and cops.

Delceno C. Miles

Virginia Beach by CNB