THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Friday, May 26, 1995 TAG: 9505260725 SECTION: VIRGINIA BEACH BEACON PAGE: 06 EDITION: FINAL TYPE: Letter LENGTH: Medium: 74 lines
PTA positions on issues doesn't jibe with parents'
A Parent-Teachers Association officer recently sent me a copy of the PTA's ``Proposed Legislative Agenda'' for 1996. Poll after poll indicates that parents want the schools to teach their children the basics. The Virginia PTA, however, though supposedly representing parents, has been busy lobbying for Goals 2000 funding, government intrusion into the lives of preschoolers, the defeat of parental opt-out provisions, the defeat of parental choice in education . . . even waiting periods for handgun purchases. Will someone please tell me what any of this has to do with educating children? Can anyone recall any of these items being discussed at school PTA meetings?
It is clear to me that the PTA no more represents rank-and-file parents than the Virginia Education Association represents teachers. It is yet another American institution hijacked by socialists and politicized for their own ends.
Chris Evans
Indian Lakes
When is lights out
at the ballpark?
Could the reason for the cost of the Boy's Baseball of Lynnhaven organization ($35 per child, plus the sale of two boxes of candy or an additional $35) as opposed to Plaza Little League ($20 per child, uniform included) be because the Lynnhaven ballpark lights are left on until 10:30 or 11 every night even though there is no one there and many nights the lights are left on all night long? The utility bill must be horrendous. Who pays this bill? The Lynnhaven Boys' Baseball organization or the taxpayers?
Gwen Harrell
Virginia Beach
Grateful for support
of First Landing park
The Friends of First Landing-Seashore State Park and Natural Area would like to publicly thank Virginia Beach Dels. Bob Purkey and Glenn Croshaw, and Councilmen Will Sessoms and Bill Harrison, and Kathy Miller-Smith, as well as the many Virginia Beach citizens who recently and so generously contributed to the support of First Landing/Seashore State Park and Natural Area.
These gifts are helping to preserve programs such as trail upkeep, reforestation, interpreters workshops, expanded habitat analysis and other enhancement projects that would otherwise go unfunded.
Virginians need to continue this effort because of the ongoing requirements of First Landing/Seashore State Park coupled with the shrinking state budget.
Alice Manning-Little
Friends of First Landing/Seashore State Park
Primary support due
Republican Wally Erb
I attended the Erb for state Senate campaign kickoff May 7 and was proud to hear a politician deal with issues effecting Virginia Beach. Wally Erb is someone who needs our support because he will deal with issues like crime, education and taxes.
He favors returning lottery money to Virginia Beach, which Clancy Holland opposed.
Erb will vote to improve our standards of learning in public schools so Virginia Beach children can compete on a global basis.
Erb will also fight to keep Virginia Beach's taxes low.
I hope my friends will join me in the Republican primary on June 13 in supporting Wally Erb for the state Senate from Virginia Beach.
Mike Feeg
Wickford Landing by CNB