The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, July 13, 1995                TAG: 9507110093
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   82 lines



I would like to thank retired Cpl. Ralph Barbarise of the Norfolk Police Department Special Enforcement Division for hiring me and having the confidence that I could do the job of school traffic guard.

I would like to thank the wonderful parents and staff members of Walter H. Taylor Elementary School for their support and confidence over 17 wonderful years, trusting your children to me, knowing I would cross them to safety at the corner of Claremont Avenue and West Princess Anne Road.

Thanks also to the many, many friends I made while on the corner.

Every one of you made my day, and the years went by so quickly. It was a joy to be associated with all of my co-workers.

Lastly, I would like to thank my supervisor, Cpl. M.J. Johansen of the Special Enforcement Division.

God bless and keep you safe.

Violet B. Eure

Diven Street


As a taxpayer, it makes me feel good to see my hard-earned money being put to good use.

Accolades to the Department of Parks and Recreation and Norfolk's School Board for coordinating their programs.

At my class' annual cookout at Northside Park I made inquiries and obtained the pool for one hour's use for my Lafayette-Winona Middle School class.

This is part of the policy of Norfolk's School Board that mandates two weeks of swimming lessons (free) for all fifth-graders.

The pool manager and four lifeguards sat the class down at the beginning of the session and went over the rules. The class was well-supervised and had a ball. There is nothing like a pool for a hot summer's day.

Furthermore, I informed my students of the policy that every A and B on their report cards counted as a deduction on a facility use card. Five A's equals a free card obtainable at Lakeside, which is within walking distance of my school.

Their eyes lit up as if I had told them they had won a full scholarship to Harvard.

In this day and age a teacher needs all the incentives to learn we can get.

Many thanks to the City of Norfolk.

Stephen Georges

West 51st Street


It is rare when we can call a person a hero.

We often go through our days overlooking the good deeds of our peers because we get the idea that they're just doing their job. So when we find someone who takes the extra steps in assisting those who can no longer help themselves, it brings about a reassurance in one's faith in God as well as mankind.

Even if you're an inmate in the Norfolk City Jail, one clearly sees the saintly actions and extra care that an individual may show.

This person I am speaking about is Mrs. Lavern Jordan, Substance Abuse Counsel, at the Norfolk City Jail. She heads up the life-saving program called ``Freedom Within,'' which opened Dec. 5, 1994, as a residential therapeutic community. It operates on the premise that living and working together in a common experience can provide practice in individual change.

Through her work at the jail, she has managed to restore dignity and pride in individuals' lives. Her articulate manner is overwhelming and proves to be very effective. This, in turn, helps better prepare her graduates in their attempts to reenter their communities drug free, thus becoming a more productive member of society.

She is also instrumental in directing recovering addicts to after-care programs to ensure that they continue on their lifelong journeys to recovery. This program is possible through the assistance of Sheriff Robert McCabe and his staff working diligently together with the Norfolk Community Services Board.

Leigh Cromwell

Marvin Morris

Keith Rivers

East City Hall Avenue by CNB