The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, July 13, 1995                TAG: 9507130515
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C1   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: WILLIAMSBURG                       LENGTH: Short :   39 lines


After years of sweltering heat and a date that bumps against the British Open, the Anheuser-Busch Golf Classic is readying for a possible move to the fall.

Following a PGA Tour players meeting Tuesday night, word of a move to either September or October in 1997 began to filter through the field.

Both Payne Stewart and 1993 Anheuser-Busch champion Jim Gallagher Jr. confirmed Wednesday that there was talk within the ranks of imminent change.

``It's no secret we've worked very diligently to get a new date,'' tournament executive director Johnnie Bender said. ``We're hopeful in the near future that the tour will present us with a new date.''

Bender said Wednesday that PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem told her in March it appeared the Anheuser-Busch could make a date change to the fall in 1997. But Bender said it is all speculation at this point.

The tournament will again be played the week prior to the British Open in 1996.

``We know they are coming to the table soon with a new date,'' Bender said. ``We have nothing to confirm right now. But the players want to see something good happen to us and they know we've turned up the heat (with the PGA Tour).''

Bender said she expects to hear something by the end of August.

``I'm glad to hear they are getting a new date,'' Stewart said. ``They deserve it. They've been in this slot long enough.

``I think you'll see a different field here if they take this to September or October. You might get some Greg Normans and Nick Prices and people like that.'' by CNB