The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, July 16, 1995                  TAG: 9507140218
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   86 lines



It's disturbing to find that so little information has been offered to the public concerning the new Dare County Government Complex. The proposed site endorsed by the Manteo Commissioners has been dubbed the ``Louis Midgett Tract'' of 11 acres, described as a mostly wooded parcel of land.

Actually, the property consists of about seven acres of woods and two apartment buildings, plus Midgett's late mother's home, which is rented out. The rest of the 11 acres consists of five homes, a vacant lot and a church parking lot. Most of the road frontage around this tract is taken by residences. Several of these homes are occupied by people who have been there for decades. One family represents the third and fourth generations of their family on that land.

Several of the members of the Capital Improvements Committee that made recommendations concerning a site for this complex, were not aware that the plan was to take people's homes. At least two of the county commissioners said they knew nothing of this aspect of the plan. Even Commissioner Clarence Skinner, who is pushing the hardest for this plan, has trouble explaining why they need the additional property badly enough to condemn people's homes except that he's worried that they might block the view of the new courthouse. Some reason to throw people off their land!

The cost of this project has been discussed as $20 million or so. I remember the early estimates of $6 million for the jail, which came in well over $11 million. Apply that ratio, here and we're looking at $35 to $40 million.

The roads that serve this site are inadequate now, and no explanations abound of how traffic will be handled or what expense that solution will involve.

Mr. Skinner has been quoted as saying that this facility will not be built without public support. Perhaps the support he refers to is the higher taxes that will be forced on the property owners of this county.

When the county already owns nearly 80 acres near the airport and the midway site is better suited to meet the needs of the county as a whole, perhaps Mr. Skinner should reconsider the wisdom of taking people's homes. He certainly needs to feel obligated to do better at telling the whole story.

Howard Dinwiddie



After reading David Stick's comments in a recent Carolina Coast, I can only assume that Mr. Stick has a lot of money and doesn't care how the politicians in Dare County spend it.

He also suggests that the people who have found their ``Shangri La,'' as he puts it, should give up their right to protest the actions of their elected officials. I worked hard for my money, and I'm not about to let some politician spend it frivolously for unnecessary projects. Any major expenditure should be voted on by the people, especially if it causes an increase in taxes.

What's wrong with people wanting to vote on the expenditures for the county office complex or any other big project? What's wrong with the people asking for improvement in the efficiency of county government? What's wrong with at least making an attempt to collect some of the money from people who can afford it for the ambulance and helicopter service?

What's wrong with the Board of Commissioners and county employees adhering to strict ethical standards and conduct? Maybe that's what's wrong with some of the politicians today: They don't adhere to any ethical standards.

In closing, I would like David Stick to know that I fully support the newly organized Dare Citizens for Better Government, and I hope they succeed in all their endeavors.

John J. Gregory

Nags Head


I want to convey a message to those who were responsible for the Fireworks extravanganza at Corolla on the Fourth of July. The people who implemented the display are to be commended. They did a superb job.

I would like to suggest to the director of the event that a long-range study and analysis of parking and egression procedures for such an event be initiated.

We have very competent law enforcement bodies, and it would seem that a more orderly departure could be realized without total confusion and chaos.

Let's look for an improvement in the coming year; we certainly deserve it. It is indeed a worthwhile family-fun gathering.

Clinton Spahn

Southern Shores by CNB