The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, July 23, 1995                  TAG: 9507210242
DATELINE: SUFFOLK                            LENGTH: Medium:   70 lines


With the blessing of the City Council, gears are turning to make the northern Italian town of Oderzo a sister city to Suffolk.

Oderzo, about 30 miles northeast of Venice, is the birthplace of Amedeo Obici, the founder of the Suffolk-based Planters Nut and Chocolate Co. in 1908. After his death in 1947, his estate funded the construction of Louise Obici Memorial Hospital, which was dedicated in 1951. Louise Obici was his wife.

In addition, Obici built a hospital in Oderzo.

Where the money will come from to pay for a formal relationship between Suffolk and Oderzo has yet to be worked out. Nelson Rapp, chairman of Suffolk's Sister City Commission, said adding Oderzo as a sister city could cost as much as $2,500, much of which would be used to pay for three Suffolk students to spend two weeks in Oderzo. In turn, three students from Oderzo would come to Suffolk.

Adding Oderzo as a sister city would likely double the Sister Cities Commission's budget to about $5,000, Rapp said.

``A lot of people would say: Why spend all this money?,'' asked Rapp. ``I would say this: don't look for anything tangible at this point because it's not there.''

The city currently has a sister city relationship with Suffolk County in England. Students from that county have been visiting Suffolk for two weeks during the Suffolk Peanut Festival since the agreement was first signed 15 years ago.

The mayor of Oderzo, Guiseppe Covre, came to Suffolk during a trip abroad last year. And after talking with Mayor S. Chris Jones, the two agreed that a formal relationship between the two cities should be pursued.

``We were all for it,'' said Rapp.

``What we'd like to do is invite their delegation to the Peanut Fest,'' said Rapp. ``In addition to that, Columbus Day is also being celebrated at that time. We thought that would be appropriate as well.''

Suffolk would likely send a delegation to Oderzo before a formal agreement committing both communities to the exchange was signed.

The first meeting of dignitaries from Suffolk and Oderzo could take place as soon as October. If all goes according to plan, the student exchange program could begin by the summer or fall of 1996.

To save money, the exchange program would likely alternate annually between Oderzo and Suffolk County, England.

``It's a means of creating some good will and public relations,'' said Rapp. ``It also helps expose our students to the cultures of the world. It's hard to place a price on that.'' ILLUSTRATION: Graphic


This is an excerpt from a letter to Suffolk Mayor S. Chris Jones

from Guiseppe Covre, mayor of Oderzo, in August 1994:

The Obici visit made quite a splash in the local media over here,

and there are many people from Oderzo who are interested in getting

to know more about Suffolk and the legacy Mr. Obici left.

The town of Oderzo and I as mayor would sincerely like to see

Suffolk as its sister city; this would be a small (compared to what

Amedeo Obici did in his life) but significant tribute to this man,

his past and future united.

I and the entire town of Oderzo are indebted to you and the

members of Suffolk's community for your generosity and enthusiasm in

showing us your town. If you ever come here, as I hope, your

hospitality will be returned.

by CNB