The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, August 4, 1995                 TAG: 9508040612
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C1   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J.              LENGTH: Medium:   77 lines


Tony Morrison's 1995 football season may not be over before it started after all.

Virginia Tech coach Frank Beamer said Thursday during the Big East football media day at Giants Stadium he expects that Morrison, a rising sophomore linebacker from Chesapeake's Indian River High School, will be allowed to play this fall.

Two months ago, the university declared Morrison was suspended for at least the fall semester because of his involvement in an unspecified incident.

``It's still under consideration right now,'' Beamer said. ``To be honest, we expect Tony back this fall. Any further statement should come from his lawyer or the university.''

Hokie veterans are supposed to report for fall practice Thursday.

Morrison's father, Jim, said the lawyer for the Morrisons has told them to expect a final decision today.

``I'm somewhat optimistic,'' Jim Morrison said. ``But you can't speak for people or think for people, so I don't know how the appeal is going to unfold. This whole thing is taxing for the family and it's taxing for Tony. He's just a 19-year-old kid.''

Tech director of university relations Larry Hincker said the matter could be resolved within a couple days.

``This thing is not final yet,'' Hincker said. ``I know it's premature for us to comment on it at this time because the university has not brought it to closure yet.''

Morrison, reached at his Chesapeake home, declined comment.

Two months ago, Hincker said Morrison had exhausted all of the university's internal appeals. Hincker said of Morrison on June 5: ``He is not in school and he will not be in school this fall. It's definite.'' Morrison does not appear in the Hokies preseason media guide, other than a sentence stating he will not be part of the team.

But Hincker said Morrison's case was granted a secondary review by the school's student affairs office. Hincker said two hearing officers - two different people than those who made the initial decision - have heard the Morrison appeal and will render a decision.

``The university did, after speaking to the young man's lawyer, take another look at it,'' Hincker said. He said he did not know if legal action against the university had been threatened.

Hincker seemed surprised by Beamer's comment about Morrison being reinstated.

``He knows something the rest of the university doesn't know yet then,'' Hincker said.

No one has publicly stated the reason for Morrison's suspension. The university has characterized it an ``unspecified incident'' and declined to give details, citing privacy laws and potential legal repercussions.

Beamer reiterated Thursday that the situation is between Morrison and the university, and that the player would be welcomed back by the football program.

``It's my understanding he's been reinstated to the university,'' Beamer said. ``This is between the university and Tony.''

Morrison was one of the Hokies' prize recruits in 1994 and played in 11 of 12 games as a true freshman, starting twice. He was penciled in to fill the spot of the only departed starter from last year's defense, linebacker Ken Brown. Beamer said experience is a key factor for the inside linebacker position Morrison was expected to fill.

``There's a lot of learning,'' Beamer said. ``With every offensive formation there's a different place to go. You'd rather have a guy who's been through spring practice and has experience. If it's not Tony, it's going to be a newcomer.'' ILLUSTRATION: Photo

Virginia Tech officials revisited the fall-semester suspension of

Tony Morrison after talking to his lawyer.

by CNB