The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, August 6, 1995                 TAG: 9508030239
DATELINE: CAMDEN                             LENGTH: Medium:   51 lines


Fall is a time when brightly colored leaves drop from the trees and folks begin to think about football. It hardly felt like fall last Saturday when Albemarle area high school football teams took the field for the first day of practice. The 95 degree heat made it feel more liketime for the swimming pool or surfing. But football took prominence at Camden County High School.

The 1995 season is one of the most anticipated by Bruins fans in a long time. Camden County was more than respectable last year for the first time in a while, and head coach Scott Jones hopes to continue that trend.

``We should be in the middle of the pack,'' Jones said as he wiped away the sweat after conducting quarterback drills. ``One of our goals is to make the playoffs. We feel like we were cheated last year when the Albemarle Conference had only three teams go (Camden finished fourth).''

This year, the conference will take four teams to the playoffs. The Bruins lost two heartbreakers (12-10 to Northampton East and 31-25 to Williamston) which undoubtedly would have put them in the postseason.

Before anybody can think about playoffs, or even any games, the players are required to get at least 11 days of practice before the first scrimmage. As a matter of fact, the first six days of practice must be devoted to conditioning and technique. No body contact is allowed.

The Bruins struggled through the 90-plus degree heat and had to take breaks about every 10 minutes for water.

``We water the kids every 10 minutes under these conditions,'' Jones said. ``We'll be in shape regardless of the weather. The weather makes it tougher though, a lot of times they aren't into it mentally.''

Admittedly, the Bruins will have a tough time living up to last year's 6-5 record. Camden lost 10 seniors that played 16 starting positions and has just four starters back. Only 30 kids showed up for practice on the first day. Jones expected more during the week. The one thing the Bruins have going for them that nobody can take away is a taste for winning which they finally got last year.

But that taste will have to wait until the temperature drops and school starts. Camden will play in two scrimmages against Northeastern and Roanoke Rapids, then open the season at Jamesville on Aug. 25. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by VICKI CRONIS

Manteo High School football players do pushups druing the first week

on practice.

by CNB