The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, August 9, 1995              TAG: 9508090562
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C6   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   46 lines


Beleaguered linebacker Tony Morrison of Chesapeake apparently will be in limbo when Virginia Tech football practice begins Saturday in Blacksburg.

Morrison is appealing his suspension from the university.

``The matter is still under review,'' said David Paxton, Morrison's Roanoke lawyer. ``It's unlikely we will have a decision this week, which is unfortunate.''

Morrison's saga began in the spring when he was suspended two semesters for an unspecified incident. An appeal was denied and a university official said it was ``definite'' Morrison would not be back this fall.

But a secondary review was granted after Morrison retained a lawyer. Hokies coach Frank Beamer said last week he expected to have Morrison - a rising sophomore who was expected to start - back this fall.

Both Paxton and Larry Hincker, Virginia Tech's director of university relations, said last Thursday the matter would be resolved in a couple days. But that time frame apparently will stretch to more than a week. Paxton said he does not expect to hear something until late next week.

``I didn't have good information,'' Hincker said Tuesday. ``I thought it was going to come to closure and I didn't know the procedures allowed for a longer time frame.''

Morrison's father, Jim, said Monday the family received some notification from the university last Friday. He would not say what the nature of that notification was.

When asked if it was reasonable to assume the appeal was denied and Morrison was appealing again, Jim Morrison replied: ``I guess you can assume that. But the case is still open, so we still have a case. It's still on the table.''

Hincker indicated the Morrison's have not yet exhausted their appeals.

``This thing is beginning from scratch,'' Hincker said. ``There's still plenty of opportunities for them to continue the process.'' ILLUSTRATION: Linbacker Tony Morrision likely will miss Virginia Tech's first

football practice Saturday.

by CNB