The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, August 11, 1995                TAG: 9508100187
SOURCE: Road Warrior 
                                             LENGTH: Long  :  101 lines


If you thought things would never change at Columbus Loop, namely Constitution Drive and Columbus Street, think again.

The stop sign currently on Constitution will be flip-flopped to face traffic on Columbus.

When the new traffic pattern begins, this is how it'll work: traffic heading east on Columbus will be stopped at Constitution. Motorists traveling south on Constitution can turn left or without stopping proceed straight through into the Columbus Station apartments.

Traffic heading north on Constitution will have the right of way with through lanes and no stop signs.

Road sees that something needs to be done in the area, but what's the brilliance in changing these stop signs? The majority of the traffic, after all, is coming east on Columbus.

Engineers say that because folks who travel east on Columbus have another avenue (straight up Independence to turn right on Virginia Beach Boulevard) they can always take that route if they don't like the change.

Road says phooey! Road will take an alternate route because there's no way that traffic coming out of the theaters (which, incidentally, will still have a stop sign as it does now) won't conflict with everyone trying to turn left at what was once called a ``loop.''

P.S. While we're in the area, Road thought to mention once again that the intersection of Kellam and Columbus (where they did the switcharoo of stop signs several months ago) is scheduled to get a traffic signal soon. SNARLS OF THE WEEK

The following people called Road's INFOLINE number with their complaints.

Bill, Virginia Beach. I really enjoyed your article this morning about MILITARY HIGHWAY. I thought I'd let you know that last summer when it was very bumpy and they had all the road construction there we were expecting the birth of our first child and the child was late and my wife wanted me to ride her up and down that road just to get things moving along.

RW: One question for you, Bill: Did you name the kid Military or what?

Jean Drudge, Aragona. I'm calling in regards to the coffee cup challenge that you did. Of course a Coke with ice in it would not splatter as much as coffee.

If you're going to take a challenge, Road, I suggest you take the challenge head on and to the tee.

RW: Actually, Brenda was given an advantage by Road using a large Coke rather than a small cup of coffee. The cup sits taller and tips easier. So there, Jean!

Donnie Humphries, no address given. The light at MILL DAM ROAD and FIRST COLONIAL ROAD, I drive through there at 5 a.m. and it's always red on First Colonial Road. It seems to be on automatic. I've traveled this for years and it just started doing this in the last month and I always have to stop, wait for the light to change and go through.

RW: Apparently, nearly every signal on First Colonial is having problems. This particular signal is on automatic, make that old automatic. The timer out there is ancient and will only allow one timing pattern to be input. And since construction to fix the signal's many problems won't happen anytime real soon, engineers are going out to install a newer timer that will allow them to input more timings for different times of the day.

So, the signal will still automatically go to the side street but it'll happen when it's needed most and not at odd hours, like 5 a.m. The new, temporary, clock should be installed as you're reading this.

Pat Smith, Courthouse area. Hey, Road, when are they finally going to pave HOLLAND ROAD between LANDSTOWN and the Courthouse?

They've never paved this road. It looks horrible and it feels horrible when you're driving on it. They just recently repaved Independence between Princess Anne and Indian River and that's a new road. It's our turn. Thank you.

RW: The guys in paving say that Holland Road from Princess Anne Road to Kellam High School is scheduled to be repaved within the next six months. The rest of the road, however, is not on the paving list but they are looking at it to determine if maybe something can be done on the other sections earlier.

Jody Griggs, no address given. I'd like to make a complaint about the pothole that's on COLUMBUS STREET, in front of the Princess Anne Bank building. It's been there about three weeks and it keeps getting deeper and it needs to be taken care of. Thank you.

RW: Road called the Pothole Patrol (427-7470) to report the offending crater. These folks are nice and on the ball about checking these things out so feel free to call them directly anytime you spot a problem.

Tim Weber, Virginia Beach. A quick snarl: Just remind the people out there that directionals on cars are used to make lane changes and not used as Christmas ornaments.

I also read about a new DMV on Donna Drive behind the McDonald's. That's about all I got now.

RW: Directionals? Is that an old or a new word for turn signal? Whichever term you prefer, you just served notice to folks to use 'em properly. MEMO: Tell the Road Warrior about your motoring problems. Get 'em off your

chest. Call on Infoline, at 640-5555. After a brief message, dial ROAD

(7623). When directed, press 1 to deliver your message, and 1 again to

sign off.

And we've got you covered on the new DMV branch opening in Hilltop

next year. They broke ground last month. It'll replace the branch on

Mustang Trail. Or, write: The Road Warrior, Virginia Beach Beacon, 4565

Virginia Beach Blvd., Virginia Beach, Va. 23462.

Don't forget to include your name, address and neighborhood.

by CNB