The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, August 13, 1995                TAG: 9508130339
TYPE: 20 Questions 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   94 lines


If Emerson Sanborn's face looks familiar, chances are that, while you might have missed the aspiring actor's stage appearances, you may have caught a glimpse of his most recent performance flipping burgers at the McDonald's restaurant on Main Street.

Like many recent high school grads, Emerson is spending his summer at a job far removed from his ultimate career dreams to earn the money he needs for college.

A 1995 Lakeland High School graduate, he is working to supplement a substantial scholarship he received to the theater program at the University of Charleston, in South Carolina. He will begin classes this fall.

If the traditional theater expression ``break a leg'' actually brings good luck and success to an actor, then Emerson should be guaranteed his name in lights.

Ten years ago, only days before one of his first stage appearances in an upstate Vermont community theater, Emerson chased a baseball into the street, collided with a car, and broke his arm and leg.

``He ended up being pushed around the stage in wheelchair,'' Betty Sanborn, his mother, said. ``He was a real trouper.''

Eventually Emerson gave up baseball, but not his interest in theater, which has grown to be the focus of his life and career aspirations.

``I would do drama, comedy, musicals, anything I can get work doing,'' he said. Emerson would also like the chance to direct someday. ``I think all actors want to direct,'' he said.

Throughout his four years at Lakeland High, Emerson put in a 10-hour school day so he could also attend the theater program at the Governor's School for the Arts in Norfolk. There he performed in at least one production each year and also worked in several technical roles behind the curtain. ``And I loved it all,'' he said.

What brought you to Suffolk? When my father was killed in a car accident, my mother decided to move to Suffolk to be closer to family. We have been here since 1989.

Birthdate/hometown? Dec. 22, 1977. No real hometown, but spent the first six years of my life in Alexandria.

Fondest childhood memory? Memories from a cross-country road trip with my father, brother and friend when I was about 7 years old.

Marital Status/children? Single, no children.

Pets? None.

Occupation? Soon to be college student.

If you had a choice, what other job would you choose? I would be acting on stage or in a movie.

What is you favorite hangout? It used to be Cafe Napoleon in Norfolk, but it closed. Now I just drift from movies, to shoot pool, to friends' houses.

Favorite night out on the town? Going to a really cool concert at the Boathouse and just hanging out at friends' houses all night, listening to the band we just saw.

Favorite food and drink? I drink almost anything except prune juice, and I love my grandmother's ``falling off the bone'' chicken and macaroni and cheese.

Favorite movies/TV show ? Movies: ``Pulp Fiction'' and ``Shawshank Redemption.'' TV show: ``Prime Suspect'' on PBS mystery series.

Book you wish everyone would read? ``Orlando,'' by Virginia Woolf. At the core of the book, people are just people regardless of sex, race or gender.

Ideal vacation? With an unlimited bank account, I would backpack around Europe, staying at youth hostels and riding the Eurorail system.

I can't resist? Eating my grandmother's cooking and buying CDs.

Few people know? If I said, then everybody would know. My best friends know everything about me, and they are the ones who count most.

Most embarrassing moment? Playing a piano solo for my middle-school graduation. I had not practiced the piece in a while, but fortunately wind kept blowing the music off the piano so I could blame my mistakes on that.

If you won the lottery, what would you do or buy? I would set aside $20,000 for college, pay my family's bills, set up a trust fund for my older brother. I would buy a really cool stereo system and buy all the CDs I wanted. If I had money left, I would go on that ideal vacation.

What is the best advice you have been given and by whom? I usually use the advice I am given, but I don't keep it stored in my brain because it rarely is universal enough to fit all situations.

What is the best thing about yourself? I am easy to get along with.

If you could trade places with anyone in the world, who would you be and why? Michael Jackson. I would not want his life, just his house and amusement park to throw a two-week party for all my friends.

What achievements are you most proud of? Going through four years of theater at the Governor's School and still loving it when I graduated. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by JOHN H. SHEALLY II

Emerson Sanborn is working at McDonald's to supplement a substantial

scholarship he received to the theater program at the University of
