The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, August 17, 1995              TAG: 9508170501
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B8   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: RICHMOND                           LENGTH: Short :   40 lines


Edward I. Wallerstein, 94, died Tuesday in Richmond. A life-long resident there, he had a wide circle of friends in Norfolk or wherever he touched down in his adventurous journey.

He attended the University of Virginia and, during World War II, served as a lieutenant with the Navy. Active in business, he retired from the Old Dominion Mortgage Corporation in the early 1970s.

In Richmond, he was a familiar figure as he rode his bicycle downtown in all kinds of weather and traffic. Well into his 80s, he maneuvered the bike with the skill and dash of a teenager. A favorite trip was to the YMCA where he was a member from 1911 through 1993.

Among sporting endeavors, he sailed across the Atlantic in a 42-foot schooner at age 56; scored a hole-in-one at the Lakeside Country Club Golf Course at 61; rafted down the middle fork of the Salmon River at 71 and undertook at trip to the Kyber Pass at 81.

At 87, he won a gold medal for downhill skiing. He was named a life-long member of the Richmond Ski Club. The high spot of his life was a trek up Mount Everest at 74. To spend time in his zestful company was to feel that one had been with him in every hazard.

He is survived by a nephew, Sterling Wallerstein of Wake, Va.; three nieces, Ann Silverstein of Richmond, Elsa de Beer of Glenmont, N.Y., and Edna Sara Lazaron of Norfolk. He is also survived by two great nephews and four great nieces; as well as three great-grand nephews and four great-grandnieces.

Memorial donations may be made to a charity of choice. Services in Richmond will be announced later.


by CNB