The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, August 25, 1995                TAG: 9508240302
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   74 lines


City Council took the following action at its meeting Tuesday:

Ordinance granting the application of Farm Fresh Inc. and Beacon Construction Company to rezone property at the former Williams Court site from preservation P-1 to residential RS-75-K, and from residential multi-family RM-75 to residential single family RS-75-K to preservation P-1.

Approved, 7-0

Ordinance granting the application of Farm Fresh, Inc. to rezone property at Williams Court from residential multi-family RM-75-K to general commercial C-2.

Approved, 7-0

Resolution authorizing $23.75 million in general obligation bonds and a like amount to be issued in bond anticipation notes. This funding, coupled with bond resolutions previously approved, will complete the financing for the construction of the new I.C. Norcom High School at a total cost of approximately $38.7 million.

Approved, 4-3, Martin, Hawks, Robinett opposed

Ordinance to appropriate $32,343,034 from the Capital Improvements Fund for construction of the new I.C. Norcom High School.

Approved, 4-3; Martin, Hawks, and Robinett opposed

Ordinance to appropriate $84,787 in HOME Program income funds from the Community Development Program. The money is income from the program and will be used for more activities in the acquisition and rehabilitation of dilapidated properties.

Approved, 6-1; Clemons opposed

Resolution to approve a policy on Publicly Funded Development Incentives and Intra-Regional Competition. This policy establishes broad guidelines for regional economic development initiatives, and sets controls on individual development incentives deemed to be in the best interest of the Hampton Roads region.

Approved, 7-0

Motion authorizing the acting city manager to enter into an agreement with Portsmouth Partners of Virginia to redevelop the area currently known as River Edge Apartments into a single-family housing development. The public sector commitment to this project would be limited to infrastructure improvements. This development is estimated to increase the current property assessment by $14 million.

Approved, 7-0

Motion to transfer $177,095 from the grants contingency account for continuation of the Comprehensive Services Act for At-Risk Youth and Families. These funds will be used to continue services for troubled youths who can be served in their own homes or communities. A local cash match of $5,494 is required.

Approved, 7-0

Motion to transfer $114,414 from the grants contingency account for continuation of the Intensified Drug Enforcement Assistance (IDEA) grant. The IDEA grant will enhance investigation of illegal drugs and apprehension of persons violating drug laws and will be administered through the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office. A local cash match of $11,441 is required. (This IDEA grant is not to be confused with the past IDEA grant awarded to the city for neighborhood police patrols.)

Approved, 7-0

Motion to transfer $75,142 from the grants contingency account for the purchase of two ambulances. The city has been awarded this grant by the State of Virginia's Rescue Squad Assistance Fund (RSAF) Program to pay 50 percent of the cost of two ambulances.

Approved, 7-0

Motion to transfer $41,196 from the grants contingency account for continuation of the Victim-Witness Program. This program has been in existence since 1976 and is designed to assist victims and witnesses of crime through the criminal justice system. A local cash match of $4,119 is required.

Approved, 7-0