The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 

              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, August 27, 1995                TAG: 9508250549


                                             LENGTH: Medium:   72 lines


City Council meetings are telecast live beginning at 7 p.m. on Municipal Access TV/Channel 13 on Falcon Cable. Telecast is repeated at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Thursday-Sunday. Work session on the fourth Wednesday is taped and aired at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. the following Thursday-Sunday.

The City Council took the following actions at its meeting Wednesday:

A. Consideration of Rezoning Request RR13-95 for rezoning approximately .52 acres of land area on Godwin Blvd. from R-2, Low-Medium Density Residential to B-2, General Business for the expansion of an automobile dealership. Approved, 7-0, to defer to the Planning Commission

B. Consideration of Rezoning Request RR14-95 for rezoning approximately 1.853 acres of land area on Pioneer Road to B-2, General Business for a propane gas storage tank site. Approved, 7-0

C. Consideration of Conditional Use Request C-10-95 for a gas facility on Pioneer Road. Approved, 7-0

D. Consideration of Rezoning Request RR-15-95 for rezoning approximately 73 acres of land area off of Hannah Hunt Drive from R-1, Low-Medium Density Residential to R-2, Low-Medium Density residential (Conditional) and 30 acres of land area from B-2 General Business to R-2, Low Medium Density Residential (Conditional) for residential development. Approved, 7-0, to defer to the Planning Commission

E. Consideration of an ordinance authorizing the City to submit an application under the Clean Sites Grant program to augment the City's efforts to facilitate the redevelopment of vacant sites in the vicinity of the Planters Facility for commercial or industrial purposes. Approved, 7-0

A. An ordinance appropriating $55,900 for a study of the feasibility of cash proffers - Second Reading. Approved, 7-0

B. An ordinance accepting and appropriating a grant award of $25,000 from the Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Department - Second Reading. Approved, 7-0

C. An ordinance to repeal City Code Sections 5-9.1 and 5-9.2, dealing with the certification of tradesmen. Denied, 5-2

A. Resolution of support and appreciation for the Nansemond Indian Tribe on the occasion of its annual Pow Wow at Lone Star Lakes Lodge. Approved, 7-0

B. Resolution donating a parcel of land at Lone Star Lakes to the Chuckatuck Fire Department for the construction of a new fire safety facility. Approved, 7-0

C. Resolution approving the distribution of CDBG funds for the establishment of a Neighborhood Reinvestment fund. Approved, 7-0

D. Resolution authorizing the transfer of $27,000 from the City Council Contingency account for equipment for the Bennetts Creek and Nansemond Suffolk Rescue squads. Approved, 7-0

A. Consideration of the previously tabled Rezoning Request RR-21-94 to amend the master land use plan for Hillpoint Farms Planned Development Housing District. Approved, 7-0, to table

B. Consideration of a request for a one-year extension of Conditional Use Permit C-16-94 which was issued by City Council on Aug. 17, 1994 to the Park Manor Congregation of Jehovah's Witness for a church on Pughsville Road. Approved, 6-0

D. Establish a City Council Work Session for Sept. 6, at 5 p.m. Approved, 7-0

E. A resolution approving recent appointments to local boards and commissions. Approved, 7-0

F. A resolution approving the amendment of the terms and conditions of a lease between the Richard Bennett Trust and the City of Suffolk. Approved, 7-0

G. An ordinance establishing an antenna tower revenue account and appropriating $12,000 for payment of a lease. Approved, 7-0

H. An ordinance allowing city employees the same holiday schedule as state employees. Approved, 4-3