The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, September 9, 1995            TAG: 9509080003
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A10  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   39 lines


Your report explaining boredom in Franklin was a ``blow'' to each of our citizens (``Watching the corn grow,'' Daily Break, Sept. 1).

The information produced by your newspaper goes out across the nation through the wire services. After years of ``correct coverage,'' The Virginian-Pilot has gained a good reputation throughout the United States. In the past, when Franklin has been covered in a more positive way, we have received clippings from smaller local newspapers our friends sent us from as far away as California and Florida.

May I ask what was the purpose of ``Watching the corn grow''? Our school, on a percentage basis, places more students in college each year than the systems east of us. Our ``Y'' program is second to none east of us. We are very fortunate to have movie theaters, bowling lanes, putt-putt golf, swimming pools, a skating rink, organized softball and volleyball, little theater and community concerts.

I am sorry if these two teenagers could not ``find'' entertainment for themselves on a summer afternoon. There are many things young people can do in Franklin, but they have to put forth an effort to be part of the community. I am very sorry you did not write about our successful young people who have enjoyed Franklin and are proud to call it home.

It is really depressing to think of the damage your article has done to the years of effort we have put forth in making our community a good place to live and work.


City of Franklin

Franklin, Sept. 1, 1995 by CNB