The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, September 24, 1995             TAG: 9509230165
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   62 lines


City Council meetings are telecast on Municipal Access TV/Channel 8 on Falcon Cable. Telecast will be repeated at 7 p.m. today. The work session on the fourth Wednesday is taped and aired at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. the following Thursday through Sunday.

The City Council took the following actions at its meeting Wednesday:

Rezoning Request RR13-95 (Conditional) for rezoning approximately .52 acre of land area off Godwin Boulevard from R-2, Low-Medium Density residential to B-2, General Business (Conditional) for the expansion of an automobile dealership. Approved, 6-0-1 (Harris abstained)

Rezoning Request RR16-95 (Conditional) to rezone approximately .75 acre of land at 312 Whaley St. from R-1, Low-Medium Density residential to M-1, Light Manufacturing (Conditional) in order to locate a welding/woodworking shop. Approved, 7-0

Conditional Use Permit Request C12-95 for the placement of an automobile salvage yard/junkyard off Philhower Drive. Approved, 7-0

Conditional Use Permit Request C13-95 for the placement of a 185-foot self-supported cellular communications tower and equipment building at 3508 Robs Drive. Approved, 7-0

An ordinance amending Chapter 31-Zoning, of the Code of Laws of the City of Suffolk, for the purpose of eliminating the minimum width requirement for manufactured houses permitted by right in the agricultural zoning district. Approved, 7-0

An ordinance to appropriate $43,405 for the purchase of equipment related to Drug Investigation through the City of Suffolk Police Department - Second Reading. Approved, 7-0

An ordinance to appropriate $54,576 from the Virginia Fire Programs Fund - Second Reading. Approved, 7-0

An ordinance appropriating a grant award from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Litter Control and Recycling for Fiscal Year 1995-96 - Second Reading. Approved, 7-0

An ordinance appropriating a grant award of $53,114 from the Southeastern Virginia Areawide Model Program (SEVAMP) for Senior Citizens Programs for Fiscal year 1995-96 - Second Reading. Approved, 6-0-1 (Milteer abstained)

An ordinance to appropriate $55,000 in funds for two fire suppression water storage tanks - First Reading. No vote on first reading

A resolution relating to the designation of authorized signatures for banking and safety deposit box transactions at city-designated depositories. Approved, 7-0

Schedule a City Council Retreat for Friday, Sept. 22, and Saturday, Sept. 23, at Tidewater Community College Campus. Approved, 7-0

Establish a City Council Work Session for Wednesday, Oct. 4, at 5 p.m. unless cancelled. Approved, 7-0

A resolution to appoint Suffolk City Manager Myles E. Standish to the Western Tidewater Regional Jail Authority. Approved, 7-0

A resolution to purchase a modular courtroom for a new judgeship in Suffolk. The modular courtroom will cost about $108,000. It is planned to be used at the Morgan Memorial Library once the city's new $14 million courthouse facility is completed. Approved, 7-0