The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, September 27, 1995          TAG: 9509260091
TYPE: Close-Up 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   70 lines


Had Vernon Kitabu Turner not been a loner as a child, he might have ended up in some other profession as an adult.

``Since I was always by myself, I found myself putting my thoughts down on paper,'' said Turner, a Virginia Beach author. An English major at Queens College in New York, he was writing professionally as a senior editor of a magazine in New York by the time he was 21.

Turner wrote his first book, ``Kung Fu: The Master,'' a collection of poetry, in 1975. His second and third books were combined into a novel, ``The Secret of Freedom,'' published last year by Hampton Roads Publishing Co.

With his fourth publication, ``Soul Sword: The Way and Mind of a Warrior,'' a non-fiction book due out in November, Turner returns to the martial arts theme. He has already begun work on his latest project, ``Lovesong,'' a book of poetry accompanied by a musical recording.

Turner was tagged with the name Kitabu, a Swahili word for ``book,'' by a mentor while he was in New York. But it doesn't refer to his love of books. ``The Bible means `the book' also,'' he said. ``So I think it was an indication that he saw that my life was guided.''

Full name: Vernon Kitabu Turner.

Hometown: Portsmouth.

What brought you to the Beach? The ocean and my wife.

Birthdate: 1/27/48.

Occupation: Writer/lecturer.

Nickname: None.

Marital status: Married to Joyce Ann.

Children: Daughter, Lakita, 13.

What is your idea of a perfect day off? Lounging with good friends and good music.

Last smart thing you did: Hired a new agent.

Last dumb thing you did: Locked myself out of the house.

Favorite meal: Home cooked meatloaf, macaroni and cheese and fresh greens.

Favorite movies: ``Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story,'' ``Enter the Dragon'' and ``Robin Hood.'' I identify with heroes.

Favorite song: ``The Circle of Life,'' Elton John.

Last book read: ``Questions to a Zen Master'' by Taisen Deshimaru.

Hobbies: Martial arts, swimming and meeting new people.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I'd be more practical.

If you could change one thing about your spouse, what would it be? I wouldn't change a thing.

Secret vice: It's still a secret.

Favorite restaurant: Ruby Tuesday.

Your favorite night on the town: Going to a play at the Wells Theater and dining at the Beach afterward.

Favorite TV shows: ``Kung Fu'' and ``Vanishing Sun.'' What do you expect? I'm a lifelong martial artist!

Favorite sport: To watch - gymnastics.

Last vacation: New York City.

Pets: None.

Worst job: I worked for a steel company when in high school.

Of what achievements are you most proud? Being blessed with my upcoming fourth book - ``Soul Sword.''

What would you like as your epitaph? He followed the footsteps of The Master. ILLUSTRATION: File photo by JIM WALKER

by CNB