The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, October 1, 1995                TAG: 9509290287
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   85 lines


Request by Holton and Forest Enterprises to have property at 4541 Bainbridge Blvd. rezoned from general business district to light industrial district. Approved 9-0.

Request by David A. Brabham to have property at 458 Johnstown Road rezoned from residential district to office and institutional district. Approved 9-0.

Resignations of individuals from the Airport Authority, Stormwater Management Advisory Board and the Transportation Safety Commission. Approved 9-0.

Request by the Department of Planning for appropriation of $25,000 of Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act Continuation Grant Funds awarded by the Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Department. Approved 9-0.

Request by First Judicial District for authority to submit a Chesapeake Bay Youth Conservation Corps Continuation Grant application to the Virginia Coastal Resource Management Program. 9-0.

A resolution authorizing the city attorney to institute condemnation proceedings against certain property owned by Pollye Brabble White to be used for right-of-way and drainage easement for road improvements in the Deep Creek area. No longer required City Council action. Problem resolved.A resolution authorizing the city attorney to institute condemnation proceedings against certain property owned by the heirs of James Deans and Modena Deans, Sherman Burnham, George E. Creekmur, Loretta D. Creekmur, Ida Deans Smith, Hazel Benton, Avis Benton Williams, Florine Benton Buffalo, Mavis Benton, Jackie Benton, Lucille Elliott Carrington, Delilah Benton Hall, Wallace Leary, May L. Bouldin, Harry B. Leary, Wallace J. Leary, Freddie Parker, May Parker, Virgie B. Mason, Muriel B. Peterson, Ivory Burham, and parties unknown, to be used for a right-of-way for road improvements in the Deep Creek Borough. Voted 9-0 to continue until Oct. 10 council meeting.

A resolution authorizing the city attorney to institute condemnation proceedings against certain property owned by the heirs of Isabella Creekmur, Susan A. Creekmur, Melinda A. Bell, Edward Creekmur, Cary R. Creekmur, Josiah Creekmur, Myles Creekmur, John Creekmur, and their heirs and John E. Creekmur, Robert Creekmur Sr., Joseph Creekmur, Edwin Creekmur Sr., Sylvia Creekmur, Charlotte Creekmur, Jeannine C. Smith, Maryland C. Anderson, Mary C. Jackson and parties unknown to be used for a right-of-way and drainage easement for road improvements in the Deep Creek Borough. Voted 9-0 to continue until Oct. 10 council meeting.

A resolution authorizing the city attorney to institute condemnation proceeds against certain property owned by Mary Dozier Evans, to be used for a right-of-way and drainage easement for road improvements in the Deep Creek Borough. Voted 9-0 to continue until Oct. 10 council meeting.

A resolution authorizing the city attorney to institute condemnation proceedings against certain property owned by A.D. Mitchell to be used for a right-of-way and drainage easement for road improvements in the Deep Creek Borough. Voted 9-0 to continue until Oct. 10 council meeting.

An ordinance to amend the City Code to include a personal property tax exemption on which the annual value would result in a tax of less than $15. Voted 9-0 to continue until Oct. 10 council meeting.

A request by the Department of Public Works for appropriation of $1,764,103 for project administration/inspection and environmental services pertaining to 1994 Road Bond Referendum projects. Voted 9-0 to continue until Oct. 10 council meeting.

A resolution for official intent to reimburse expenditures for project management, inspection and environmental services costs with the proceeds of bonds. Voted 9-0 to continue until Oct. 10 council meeting.

A proposal by the Department of Personnel to amend an ordinance providing for a personnel management system and compensation plan by adding certain positions to the schematic list of classes. Adopted, 7-2 vote, Butt and de Triquet voted no.

Department of Public Utilities discussion of billing adjustment. Voted 9-0 to continue until Oct. 17 council meeting.A resolution requesting the Planning Commission to consider and make a recommendation concerning proposed amendments of the zoning ordinance establishing standards for review by the zoning administrator of accessory used in assembly center business, office and institutional and industrial zoning districts. Adopted 9-0.

A resolution authorizing the city manager and the city clerk to execute a use agreement with Chesapeake Arboretum for the operation of an arboretum on 46.9 acres located at Oak Grove Greentree roads. Adopted 9-0.

An ordinance amending the City Code to require helmets for riders 14 years of age or younger. Denied 4-5, Allen, Butt, de Triquet, Duda and Krasnoff voted no.

A review of Planning Commission's approval of the Hampton Roads Sanitation District proposed Elbow Road force main. Voted 9-0 to continue until a work session in November. by CNB