The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, October 6, 1995                TAG: 9510040139
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   71 lines


It's the biggest book bargain in Chesapeake.

Bibliophiles throughout the city will want to be at the Great Bridge Shopping Center Oct. 13-15 for the Friends of the Chesapeake Public Library's annual book sale.

The sale will be at the former Smith & Welton department store.

``We literally filled up the old People's drug store last year. That's how many books we get each year,'' said Helen Spruill, the group's secretary.

Most of the books offered in the sale are donated throughout the year.

``There will be a few library discards,'' Spruill said. ``But most books are donations by Friends members and others who have been collecting them and storing them all year long. This is our biggest fund-raiser of the year. That's for sure.''

Hardback books will sell for 50 cents apiece and paperbacks for 25 cents.

Spruill said bargain hunters will be able to find mysteries, thrillers, romances, science fiction, adventure, histories, biographies, reference works, science, music, art, textbooks and children's books.

``Our children's books are our biggest sellers,'' Spruill said. ``They always go first. So if people are interested in children's books, they should plan to get there early.''

There's one great way to get a big jump on most of the book-buying public, Spruill said.

``The first day we hold the sale, it's only open to members of the Friends of the Chesapeake Public Library,'' she said. ``They always get first crack at the books. It comes with the membership.''

Membership in the group is available at any branch of the Chesapeake Public Library or at the sale site on Oct. 13. Yearly memberships are $5.

``We'll have membership booths set up so people can join and then participate in Friday's members-only sale,'' Spruill said.

With Lenelle Janis as its president, the Friends enjoy a membership of more than 500 people. The group's mission is to enhance and accentuate the library experience for Chesapeake citizens.

``We help fund activities and items not covered by the public library's operating budget,'' Spruill said.

Spruill said the group helps fund such activities as the annual children's summer reading program, literary programs and to send a library staff member to attend the annual state library conference. It also purchases recognition pins for library volunteers, microwave ovens and other amenities for library staffers, typewriters and computers for use by library patrons and other equipment.

Spruill said the Friends help fund such activities as the annual Chesapeake Civil War Days and the yearly Chesapeake Poetry Festival held at Western Branch's Russell Memorial Library.

The group's board of directors meets every other month, and its entire membership meets yearly in January. MEMO: More information about the book sale, the group's activities or

membership is available by calling 482-1668.


What: Book Sale

Who: The Friends of the Chesapeake Public Library

When: Friday, Oct. 13, 2-8 p.m. for members only; Saturday, Oct.

14, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Sunday, Oct. 15, 1-4 p.m.

Where: Great Bridge Shopping Center, corner of South Battlefield

Boulevard and Cedar Road, at the old Smith & Welton site

Cost: Hardback books are 50 cents and paperbacks and magazines

are 25 cents. There will be thousands of book titles.

by CNB