The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, October 11, 1995            TAG: 9510100080
TYPE: Close-Up 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   79 lines


Marcy Sims doesn't profess to being Virginia Beach's most avid reader, but she does love a good book when she can find the time. The city's libraries director does most of her reading when she's behind the wheel of a car - thanks, of course, to the books on tape program. And, she adds, it's usually light fiction, ideally a mystery. After a long day's work reading through government reports, the last thing she wants to do, she says, is dive into a heavy epistle.

Plus, she's extra busy this year serving as chairman of the United Way's Virginia Beach campaign. It's her fifth year of service, but first as head of a large network of volunteers seeking to raise $2.28 million.

On Thursday, workers will get the first report on how well they're doing. While Sims is sure they won't be embarrassed, she's sure she will be. An angel-winged Sims will deliver the report after being lowered from a 100-foot fire truck ladder, proving to all that, yes indeed, there are ``Angels Among Us.''

Full name: Martha J. Sims.

Hometown: Born in Portsmouth and raised in Richmond, New York and Connecticut.

What brought you to the Beach? New jobs - mine as the Bayside Area librarian and my husband's as a law clerk for Judge Walter Hoffman.

Birthdate: 10/26/46.

Occupation: Director of the Department of Public Libraries, City of Virginia Beach.

Nickname: Marcy.

Marital status: Happily married to Hunter for 25 years.

Children: Hunter III, almost 17, and Clara, 15.

What is your idea of a perfect day off? Take Rudy for a walk on the beach, play tennis and watch the kids play sports at school.

Last smart thing you did: Did most of my Christmas shopping last weekend.

Last dumb thing you did: Agreed to be lowered from a 100-foot ladder on a fire truck (with angel wings on) for the first United Way rally.

Favorite meal: Fajitas and margaritas.

Favorite movies: ``The Big Chill,'' ``Forrest Gump,'' ``Top Gun'' and the Pink Panther series.

Favorite song: ``Angels Among Us'' - the United Way theme song, and ``Kodachrome,'' by Paul Simon.

Last book read: Hardback - ``Ladder of Years,'' by Anne Tyler. Book on tape - ``The Hot Zone,'' by Richard Preston. Both available at the Virginia Beach Public Library.

Hobbies: Tennis, skiing and reading.

Secret vice: Jelly beans.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I'd be tall and get a tan.

If you could change one thing about your spouse, what would it be? After 25 years, I better not touch this one.

Favorite restaurant: All those participating in United Way's ``Savor the Flavor'' coupon program: Aberdeen Barn, Anchor Inn, Cafe David, Court Room Cafe, Duck-In, Fogg's, Foon's, Gus', Henry's, Tandom's and Trade Winds.

Your favorite night on the town: Potluck dinner with friends on the beach.

Favorite TV shows: ``Seinfeld,'' ``Frasier'' and ``Friends.''

Favorite sport: Playing tennis and watching football, soccer, basketball and lacrosse.

Last vacation: A terrific trip to Saint Lucia last spring.

Pets: Rudy, the golden retriever; Porky, the silver dollar fish; and Stephan, the spider (lives outside the front door).

Worst job: Indexing hundreds of music scores at the Richmond Public Library.

Of what achievements are you most proud? A wonderful family and the Virginia Beach Public Library System.

What would you like as your epitaph? She EXCEEDED the 1995 United Way goal! ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by DAVID B. HOLLINGSWORTH