The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, October 22, 1995               TAG: 9510200215
SOURCE: Susie Stoughton 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   87 lines


EVEN WHEN the joke's on him, B. Harper Donahoe appreciates a sense of humor.

The new Franklin High School principal was calling out students' names at a recent awards assembly when he mispronounced one, and everyone laughed. Donahoe, who had been a teacher, coach and administrator in Virginia Beach schools for 22 years, was surprised.

That would never happen in Virginia Beach, he said with a chuckle. ``Only one kid would know it was wrong,'' said Donahoe, who's happy to be in a smaller school system in a community more like his hometown, where everyone knows one another.

Donahoe, who's always used his middle name, said people frequently mispronounce his first name, Beaufort - pronounced ``Bu-fort,'' which he inherited from his grandfather.

He played defensive tackle on a state championship team at George Washington High School in Danville and at the University of North Carolina on a football scholarship. While in Chapel Hill, he discovered that the sky is ``Carolina blue,'' even in Virginia.

He's known for his spontaneous wit, a sharp memory and an ability to adapt. Five years ago, he left an 11-year winning career as head football coach to become an assistant principal. As administrator, Donahoe misses the personal contact with the students.

After he and his wife, Kathy, married a year ago, he found he also missed his $1 yard-sale toaster oven. He had used it to ``cook'' dishes like toast with peanut butter - crunchy, that is.

``I shouldn't have sold it,'' he said. ``But you can't go back.''

In 1978, Donahoe earned a master's degree in social studies education from Old Dominion University. And just weeks ago, he received a doctorate in educational leadership from Nova Southeastern University, based in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

His latest degree also earned him his first nickname - ``Dr. D.''

``It sounds kind of nifty,'' he said. ``It's pretty new.''

Birthdate/hometown: Jan. 9, 1951, Danville, Va.

Fondest childhood memory: High school football.

Marital status/children: Married; four children: Nancy teaches in Virginia Beach; Martin, a freshman at High Point University; and Jessica and Kyle - both 13 and in the eighth grade.

Pets: Dog, a Shih Tzu named Aggie, after Andre Agassi because my wife loves tennis and Agassi.

First job/worst job: (First and worst): Pulling tobacco on grandfather's farm.

If you had a choice, what other job would you choose? University professor, head coach or movie critic. As long as I'm in Chapel Hill, it doesn't matter what I'm doing.

What's your favorite hangout? YMCA.

Favorite night out on the town: Workout, cheap movie and popcorn.

Favorite food/drink: Diet Dr Pepper and hamburgers.

Favorite movies/TV show: Movie - ``Testament'' (Almost any kind of movie, as long as it's well-made); TV show - ``St. Elsewhere.''

Book you wish everyone would read: ``All the King's Men,'' ``Catcher in the Rye,'' ``To Kill a Mockingbird.''

Ideal vacation: Beach and a book.

I can't resist: Movies and buttered popcorn.

Most embarrassing moment: Ripped the seat out of my pants while making a speech in high school. The teacher made me go on and give the speech, ``Bull Fighting in Spain.''

If you won the lottery, what would you do/buy? Beach house.

What is the best advice you've been given and by whom? ``I think there is an opening at Franklin,'' E.E. Brickell.

What's the best thing about yourself? Sense of humor.

If you could trade places with anyone in the world, who would you be and why? President of UNC, need I say more?

What achievements are you most proud of? Completing doctoral program.

Something you wish to say but haven't: Continue in school. Learning is lifelong. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by JOHN H. SHEALLY II

Principal B. Harper Donahoe, a lover of popcorn, is known for his

spontaneous wit, sharp memory and ability to adapt.


Donahoe played defensive tackle for the University of North


by CNB