The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, November 1, 1995            TAG: 9510310116
TYPE: Close-Up 
SOURCE: Linda McNatt 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   89 lines


ANN EDWARDS CAN REEL off times, dates and places as quickly as she can reel off voting precincts and numbers of registered voters.

``I worked for the county commissioner of revenue's office from January 1952 until July of '69, when my daughter was born. Then, I retired.''

And that was just the beginning of Edwards' long career.

She has worked for both the town of Smithfield and for the county - sometimes part time, sometimes full time - for most of her life. Edwards was town treasurer in Smithfield. She worked at two local pharmacies. Ask her, and, without thinking, she recalls the months as well as the years.

``It's my mind,'' she says with a soft chuckle. ``I still have a little of it left.''

If good humor was a requirement for the county registrar's job back in 1983, when she moved into the appointed position, Edwards fit the bill.

She's as well known for the pleasant smile she wears when she greets visitors to her recently redecorated office, in a small white house behind the old courthouse, as she is for the professional manner she displays when she addresses the Isle of Wight Board of Supervisors. Her soft chuckle is a trademark.

And she says that while she knows her job, the learning hasn't come easy.

She's still grateful to the late June Barksdale, former Southampton County registrar.

``She offered to help me in any way she could, and I took her up on it. She was a lovely person.''

But the job has changed some.

``I've seen this county go from one senatorial district to three, one House district to three. I've been through one re-districting, in 1991. It's still hard sometimes to keep in my head just what is in what district.''

And some things are about to change again.

``It's going to be a real challenge when this National Voters' Registration Act goes in. We've had no training yet, but the way I understand it, if a person renews their driver's permit, they can also sign a card and register to vote. It will be up to the registrar to pick up the information from the Division of Motor Vehicles.''

That is supposed to go into effect in March.

First, Edwards has an election to get through.

``You can't imagine how much there is to do. And all of it has to be approved by Richmond.''

Off the job, Edwards is a self-described ``homebody'' who enjoys reading and walking with friends in her neighborhood in the mornings. She's active in her church, Tucker Swamp Baptist. And she enjoys an occasional diet, caffeine-free Coke.

``Caffeine-free because I'm too hyper anyway.''

That comes in handy on the job.

``I stay busy, but I really enjoy the association with the people. I love what I do.''

What brought you to Isle of Wight? My uncle's employment

Birthdate/hometown: May 25, 1933/Suffolk

Fondest childhood memory: Going to Burwell's Bay

Marital status/children: Widow/one daughter, Stephanie Worrell

Pets: None

First job/worst job: Picking cotton/picking cotton

Occupation: Voter registrar, Isle of Wight County

If you had a choice, what other job would you choose? None. I'm happy doing what I'm doing.

What's your favorite hangout? My home

Favorite night out on the town: Going to dinner with friends

Favorite food/drink: Seafood/caffeine-free, diet Coke

Favorite movies: ``Pretty Woman'' and ``Bridges of Madison County''

A book you wish everyone would read: I wish everyone would just read

Ideal vacation: Week at Nags Head

I can't resist: Chocolate

Few people know that I . . . get my feelings hurt easily

Most embarrassing moment: I would rather not say.

If you won the lottery, what would you do? Pay off bills, continue to work, help my children and do some things I can't do now

What is the best advice you've been given and by whom? Not to worry about things that I have no control over. Benny Edwards (her late husband)

What's the best thing about yourself? The fact that I was the same yesterday that I am today and hopefully will be tomorrow.

If you could trade places with anyone in the world, who would you be and why? I am satisfied as Ann.

Of what achievements are you most proud? Raising my daughter ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by JOHN H. SHEALLY II

by CNB