The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, November 2, 1995             TAG: 9511020159
TYPE: Elections '95 
                                             LENGTH: Long  :  244 lines


In Southampton County, 19 candidates are on the ballot for four constitutional offices and seven seats on the board of supervisors.

The six contested races have potential for election night drama.

Two constitutional offices are up for grabs. Four candidates, including the incumbent, are vying for the treasurer's job. And two candidates want the commissioner of revenue's post, both claiming they are running for re-election.

And in the supervisors' races, possible upsets to two veterans - the Boykins and Capron district supervisors - could result in a significant change in the board's make-up, giving four of the seven seats to political newcomers.

But an incumbent supervisor's last-minute write-in campaign poses the possibility of an unusual scenario as well as promising to keep election officials working late counting ballots.

If re-elected, Franklin district supervisor Thomas E. Daughtrey, who is not on the ballot, would represent a portion of Southampton County but would no longer live in the county. Daughtrey, whose home in the Hunterdale section of Southampton County will be annexed by the city of Franklin January 1, has announced that he wants to keep his seat.

Daughtrey, who has been a supervisor eight years, originally said he would not seek re-election since he would be a Franklin resident when the supervisors are sworn in. Recently, however, he has mounted a write-in effort to defeat the two candidates on the ballot.

``I don't have any problem with living in the city and representing the citizens in the county,'' Daughtrey said this week.

State election officials have told him he would be able to serve, if elected, Daughtrey said.

Meanwhile, David P. Watkins, a 12-year School Board member, and Walter Luther Young Jr., who has farmed in Southampton County all his life, have been campaigning for the position since June. Watkins, an independent, and Young, a Republican, are seeking to represent their interests on the board.

The Berlin-Ivor supervisor's seat will almost assuredly be filled by a newcomer, barring any unexpected write-in upset. Political veteran A. Meredith Felts, who has been board chairman for 20 years, is retiring.

Hoping to claim that seat are R.M. ``Bob'' Felts Jr. and Dennis A. Maddrey - both independents.

Both Maddrey and Bob Felts live in the Ivor area.

Maddrey, a Planning Commission member, hopes to see industrial growth to help relieve the county's tax burden. Felts is an advocate of conservative fiscal spending, quality schools and planning for solid waste disposal and housing needs.

Two likely candidates for the chairman's post - Capron supervisor Reggie W. Gilliam, who has been on the board 16 years, and Boykins district supervisor C. Harrell Turner, a 12-year veteran, are fighting for their political lives.

Gilliam, vice chairman for eight years, faces rare competition. Edwin E. ``Ed'' Seymore, who moved to the county 12 years ago from Virginia Beach, believes voters should have a choice.

Turner's opponent, Carl J. Faison, tried to run against him in 1983 but was disqualified after the filing deadline when the county Board of Elections discovered he did not live in the Boykins district. Since then, the county has redrawn district lines and he is now in the Boykins district.

The treasurer's race has the most candidates with incumbent David K. Britt, a Democrat, facing challengers Gary D. Baugham, Jeannette S. Everett and Earva Jones-Sumblin, all independents.

The commissioner of revenue's race is hotly contested. The incumbent is John Robert Harrup, a Democrat who won a special election for the post last year. He replaced an interim commissioner appointed after his challenger, Edward L. ``Ed'' Marks IV, resigned from the office he had held less than two years.

Marks was convicted of a misdemeanor of unlawfully copying an employee's telephone conversations and could not seek the post again until this fall. MEMO: SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY ELECTIONS


David K. Britt (D)

Born: June 8, 1960

Education: Graduate, Southampton High School; bachelor's degree,

Atlantic Christian College

Occupation: Southampton County treasurer

Phone: W) 653-3025, H) 654-0008

Experience: Treasurer for the past four years; former deputy

treasurer and former office coordinator; certified governmental

treasurer; member, Boykins Lions and Newsoms Ruritan clubs and Boykins

Community Youth Center board; member and youth counselor, Courtland

Baptist Church; Little League baseball and football coach

Gary D. Baugham (I)

Born: July 5, 1962

Education: Graduate, Southampton High School

Occupation: Office coordinator, Parker Oil Co.

Phone: W) 654-6464, H) 654-6306

Experience: Member, Boykins Lions Club

Jeannette S. Everett (I)

Born: Sept. 22, 1957

Education: Graduate, Southampton Academy; attended Chowan College

Occupation: Deputy, commissioner of revenue's office

Phone: W) 653-3030, H) 658-4708

Experience: Commissioner of Revenue's office 6 1/2 years; former bank

head teller; member, Joyner Methodist Church; president, Southampton

Academy PTO; chairman, Farm Bureau women's committee

Earva Jones-Sumblin (I)

Born: Oct. 14, 1951

Education: Attended former Riverview High School; bachelor's degree,

St. Paul's College

Occupation: Senior vice president, Primerica Financial Services;

founder, ``GRUP'' Opportunity Travel Service Inc.

Phone: W) 654-6318, H) 562-2655

Experience: Budget control counseling services for 20 years;

graduate, H&R Block tax school; former bank teller and cashier; former

credit union manager; head of youth ministry, Ebenezer Baptist Church


John Robert Harrup (D)

Born: Sept. 20, 1937

Education: Graduate, former Drewryville High School

Occupation: Commissioner of revenue

Phone: W) 653-3030, H) 653-2668

Experience: Commissioner of revenue for past year; enrolled, H&R

Block basic tax school; chairman, Courtland Planning Commission; former

chief election officer; former surveyor; former Ruritan zone governor;

member and former chairman, Courtland Baptist Church board of deacons

Edward L. ``Ed'' Marks IV (I)

Born: April 20, 1960

Education: Graduate, Southampton Academy; bachelor's degree, Elon


Occupation: Vice president, Marks Construction Co. Inc.

Phone: W) 569-9641, H) 562-4457

Experience: Former commissioner of revenue two years; former CPA

staff accountant; past treasurer, Franklin Jaycees; senior warden, St.

Luke's Episcopal Church



R.M. ``Bob'' Felts Jr., (I)

Born: May 6, 1947

Education: Graduate, Southampton High School; bachelor's degree,

Wingate College; leadership training courses

Occupation: President, R.M. Felts Packing

Phone: W) 859-6131, H) 859-6720

Experience: Secretary, Ivor Ruritan Club; past Ruritan district

governor; member and Sunday school teacher, Millfield Baptist Church

Dennis A. Maddrey (I)

Born: May 29, 1942

Education: Graduate, Southampton High School; bachelor's degree, the

College of William and Mary

Occupation: Rural mail carrier

Phone: H) 859-6218

Experience: Member, Southampton County Planning Commission; member

and past president, Virginia Rural Letter Carriers' Association; former

teacher and coach; former farm and warehouse manager; member,

Franklin-Southampton County Fair board; former member, Southampton

Memorial Hospital board


C. Harrell Turner (I)

Born: Aug. 15, 1949

Education: Graduate, Franklin High School; bachelor's degree,

Virginia Tech

Occupation: Manager, North Carolina area, Forest Resources Group,

Union Camp Corp.

Phone: W) 569-4586 or H) 654-6254

Experience: Board of supervisors for the past 12 years; member,

Hampton Roads Planning District Commission; chairman, State

Reforestation Board; former member, Boykins Town Council,

Franklin-Southampton County Fair board and Branchville Community Center

board; former president, Boykins Lions and Ruritan clubs; Sunday school

teacher and chairman of board of deacons, Boykins Baptist Church



Born: Nov. 26, 1946

Education: Graduate, former Riverview High School; bachelor's and

master's degrees, Hampton Institute (now Hampton University)

Occupation: Adult probation and parole officer

Phone: H) 654-9697

Experience: Deacon, Sunday school teacher and van driver, Shiloh

Baptist Church; volunteer, Southampton County Schools


Reggie W. Gilliam (D)

Born: Dec. 24, 1926

Education: Graduate, former Southampton County Training School and

New York Technical Institute

Occupation: Retired radio/TV repairman; business owner

Phone: 653-9140

Experience: Board of supervisors for the past 16 years and vice

chairman, eight years; member, Tidewater Group Home Committee; chairman,

Southampton County Highway Safety Commission; member, Southampton County

Leadership Council; member, NAACP; trustee, Pleasant Plains Baptist

Church; member and former board member, Franklin-Southampton Area

Chamber of Commerce

Edwin E. ``Ed'' Seymore (I)

Born: May 19, 1939

Education: Graduate, Princess Anne High School

Occupation: farmer, cotton scout

Phone: H) 653-9403

Experience: Member, Southampton County Farmer's Market planning

committee; member, pastor-parish committee and administrative council,

Vincent Grove Methodist Church


David P. Watkins (I)

Born: Jan. 26, 1950

Education: Graduate, Bayside High School

Occupation: Electrical instrument planner, Union Camp Corp.

Phone: 569-4718

Experience: Member, Southampton County School Board past 12 years;

member, School Board budget and building committees; former Navy

electronics technician; chief warrant officer, Naval Air Reserve;

member, Masonic Lodge No. 151

Walter L. Young Jr. (R)

Born: June 7, 1940

Education: Graduate, Franklin High School

Occupation: Farmer

Phone: 562-5292

Experience: Member, Franklin-Southampton County Fair board; former

member, Virginia Pork Industry board; member and past president,

Virginia Pork Producers; deacon and trustee, Sycamore Baptist Church

ILLUSTRATION: David Britt has been Southampton County treasurer for four


Gary D. Baugham is vying for the treasurer's seat.

Jeannette S. Everett is running for treasurer of Southampton


Earva Jones-Sumblin is running for the treasurer's seat.

John Harrup is the commissioner of revenue incumbent.

Edward Marks IV is running for commissioner of revenue.