The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, November 4, 1995             TAG: 9511040006
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A12  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   31 lines


Rondle Edwards' letter (Oct. 31) was a bit harsh and unbalanced in its scathing attack of Dan Evans' campaign literature.

Dan Evans is a long-time small-business owner who is thoroughly acquainted with all aspects of successfully managing a small business. His election to state delegate will be a wonderful benefit for all small-business owners and people employed by small-business owners.

Who cares about small businesses? Well, we all should. According to the Small Business Association, 98 percent of all U.S. businesses are considered ``small.'' Small businesses employ 56 percent of the entire private work force. Small businesses account for 38 percent of all sales and contribute 39 percent to the gross national product.

It is through our own small business that we have become acquainted with Dan Evans, and feel very strongly that his election to state delegate will be a blessing for all small-business owners, small-business employees and those affected by small businesses. Which includes 100 percent of Virginians.


Portsmouth, Oct. 31, 1995 by CNB