The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, November 9, 1995             TAG: 9511070085
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   78 lines


Don't give away America

At the Oct. 23 meeting of the Hampton Roads Council of Veterans Organizations, while making final plans for the Veterans Day Parade on Nov. 11, a request was made by a representative from a Philippine-American group to carry the Philippine flag in the parade.

I, alone, objected to this break in tradition, as the only national flag to honor our American veterans has been the American flag. Again, I was the only one to vote ``no'' on this motion. I do not object to this group marching in this parade. Indeed, I am honored that they will march to honor our veterans, but they should march under the American flag that these American veterans fought under.

This opens the door next year for a request from African-Americans to carry the African flag, Cuban-Americans to carry the Cuban flag, Japanese-Americans to carry the Japanese flag. I could name other groups, such as Korean, Vietnamese and so forth.

Nov. 11 used to be called Armistice Day. In 1954 it was renamed Veterans Day to honor the veterans of all American wars. Maybe it should be renamed again to International Veterans Day if we continue to give away our American traditions.

When do we stop giving away our American values? The American language is English. When the Irish, Spanish, Germans and other immigrants came to America they had to learn to speak our national language.

Now due to the large number of Spanish-speaking people in America, we have given away another piece of America. Today in many states, at great expense to the taxpayers, we have had to hire Spanish teachers to teach Spanish as now required by law.

When are we going to stop this appeasement and stop giving away our American ideals that I and many other veterans fought for?

Arthur W. Pearsall

Lockamy Lane Missing their market

I would like to add an important note to Scott McCaskey's article in the Oct. 26 Compass regarding the closing of the Farm Fresh Supermarket in Ghent.

Closing this store was a heartless thing to do to elderly people. They lost their independence and freedom to shop on their own. They were stunned by the closing of this store.

The free van service provided by Farm Fresh is a nice gesture, but it is a struggle for some elderly people to get in and out of the van. Some of them have arthritis and other physical ailments.

The driver is helpful in getting the elderly in and out of the van, but it is still hard for some of them to maneuver in and out. It is a sorrowful sight. We want our grocery store back!

Sara Schapiro

Colonial Avenue Honesty from the heart

On Oct. 14, I lost my wallet in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven on Military Highway. In less than two hours, Mike Maddox called to let me know he had picked it up. It had a large amount of cash in it, along with various IDs, which would have been difficult to replace.

I want to publicly commend Mr. Maddox for his honesty. With all the negative things we read in the newspaper every day, it is encouraging to know there are honest people in the world. Thank you, Mr. Maddox.

Hilda M. Jensen

Azalea Garden Road In praise of a teacher

As a volunteer in the Sewells Point school's kindergarten class for the past several years, I would like to offer kudos to its marvelous teacher, Janet Harrell. Every child who is fortunate enough to be in her class is off to a great start in life.

Nanette Emanuel

Monterey Avenue by CNB