The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, November 9, 1995             TAG: 9511090519
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C2   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   53 lines


Shreveport Pirates officials say they will begin a ticket drive next Tuesday in an effort to bring the CFL franchise to Hampton Roads.

The Pirates have set a season-ticket goal of 15,000. If they reach that number, they'll move from Shreveport, assuming they can negotiate a lease to play at Norfolk's Foreman Field and receive permission from the CFL.

``We're going to come down there and get it done,'' said Pirates coach Forrest Gregg, the former Green Bay Packer and NFL Hall of Famer. ``We're going to stay there until the season ticket sale is a success.''

Pirates owner Bernie Glieberman, father of team president Lonie Glieberman, also will be on hand for his first public appearance since he began exploring the possibility of moving to Norfolk three months ago.

But the Pirates have competition they hadn't figured on. The Hampton Roads Sharks semi-pro football team announced Tuesday they're also selling season tickets for a planned 1996 expansion team.

``This is a free country,'' Gregg said of the Sharks.

But Gregg took issue with a statement by Sharks executive vice president Garland Payne that Gov. George Allen is wary of the Glieberman ownership group.

``Before we decided this is the area we wanted to be in, I had a talk with the governor and he was very positive about the CFL coming to the Norfolk area,'' said Gregg, a friend of Allen's and his late father of the same name, a former Washington Redskins coach.

``I do know the governor. I'm not trying to put him in the mix here. But we did talk.''

The Pirates have set up shop in a small room in an office building on Virginia Beach Boulevard in Virginia Beach. The office space has been donated by Progressive Publishing, which publishes a weekly newspaper called The Redskins Report, devoted entirely to the Washington Redskins.

Lonie Glieberman said the company likely will do a similar newspaper for the Pirates. Progressive Publishing is also assisting Glieberman in designing season-ticket applications. The team has hired Barker, Campbell and Farley as its advertising agency.

Glieberman said he has received more than 100 checks and/or season-ticket applications from fans who managed to track him down at Progressive Publishing.

Glieberman also acknowledged receiving a letter from the Sports Task Force of Hampton Roads sent last Friday requesting a detailed business plan. The group wants to review the plan before publicly supporting the Pirates. Glieberman said the plan will be provided soon. by CNB