The Virginian-Pilot
                            THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT  
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, November 10, 1995              TAG: 9511100673
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C1   EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Column 
SOURCE: Bob Molinaro 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   68 lines


Hoop du jour: From the distance of early November, it appears that the biggest weakness for the Old Dominion men's basketball team will be outside shooting. The Monarchs need to replace Petey Sessoms and Mike Jones.

The way it works: Baltimore was able to snare the Cleveland Browns only with the full financial support of the state of Maryland. Would the powers that be in Richmond ever open up the coffers to help lure a major league team to Hampton Roads?

For what it's worth: The Clevelanders are the second set of Browns to move to Baltimore. In 1954, the St. Louis Browns became the Baltimore Orioles.

Idle musing: For some reason, the alliteration of Baltimore Browns just doesn't work. Not yet, anyway.

Bad timing: Virginia's football team visits Maryland just as Terps quarterback Scott Milanovich (20 for 24 passing against N.C. State last week) rounds into form following his suspension.

On second thought: Back in September, who could have predicted that the most intriguing NFL game of the regular season wouldn't take place this week between the 49ers and Cowboys, but on Thanksgiving Day when the Kansas City Chiefs visit Dallas?

Name game: You will know the 49ers are in for a long afternoon Sunday if there is an Elvis sighting at Texas Stadium.

Changing times: Some of us thought we'd never see the day when a Chicago Bears quarterback would be leading the NFL in touchdown passes, as Erik Kramer is.

Money matters: Perhaps the most astounding statistic to be mined from the NBA season so far is the $18.7 million the Knicks are paying Patrick Ewing this year.

Futurewatch: I'm picking January in the When-will-Magic-Johnson-announce-again-that-he-is-thinking-of-playing-for-the- Lakers pool.

Swish: The ability of pro basketball fans this year to access NBA information on their personal computers suggests a new promotional slogan - ``Nothing but Internet.''

Yo 'Zo: In Charlotte, people wonder what to do with the huge mural of Alonzo Mourning on the side of a bank building. I say keep it in full view as a lesson to fans and the city about the price of doing business in the late 20th century.

Stuck in the middle: In the wake of the Hornets' trade of Mourning to Miami, NBA scouting guru Marty Blake reports that, on average, it takes 19 years for a franchise to draft a quality center in the first round.

Think about it: If Mourning were the dominant player some seem to think he is, the Hornets would have done at least as well by now as the Orlando Magic.

Northern exposure: Playing in Toronto, he'll never receive the attention given fellow NBA thoroughbreds Jerry Stackhouse and Joe Smith, but Raptors rookie point guard Damon Stoudamaire has come out of the gate with a flourish.

Only one ball: No one expects Joe Smith to get many shots on a Golden State Warriors team led by Latrell Sprewell, Tim Hardaway and Chris Mullin. On the other hand, there should be plenty of offensive rebounds for Joe to chase down.

Quotable: ESPN baseball analyst Peter Gammons, on managers trying to get along with George Steinbrenner: ``The ideal Yankee manager isn't Joe McCarthy, it's Charlie McCarthy.'' You young ones in the crowd (under 40) may need your parents to explain this one. by CNB