The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, November 12, 1995              TAG: 9511100188
TYPE: Editorial 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   42 lines


A story of another cooperative effort on the annual Lighted Boat Parade is reported on Page 3 of this issue of the Portsmouth Currents and that's the best news we've heard in a long time.

Because Portsmouth and Norfolk occupy the same harbor, the two cities should view everything that happens on the river as a joint project.

David Culpepper, a Portsmouth man, is chairman of the boat parade. Culpepper said he is eager for Portsmouth to look as good as Norfolk for the holidays. He believes that with more emphasis here on the boat parade, the city will do a better job of dressing up the downtown waterfront.

Last year's decorations were not impressive. Anyone passing by the city on a boat or looking across from Norfolk would not have believed this was a major downtown area.

City Hall spokesmen say there will be more lights this year, so that should help impress on people that Portsmouth is an equal player in the waterfront activities of the season.

The festive occasions of the holidays, including New Year's Eve, are good times to show off to visitors as well as residents. It's good that Portsmouth is coming back into the picture with events planned to coincide with activities across the water.

Now if we can just get this cooperative effort off the ground and become part of the solution in the continuing muddle over regionalism.

Basically, the effort will have to come from citizens, not those who are paid to run the city or the independent festival organizations. Culpepper's leadership with the Lighted Boat Parade is a positive step.

In the big scheme of regionalism, a Christmas parade may seem minor. However, it may also be just the right step to take to further enhance not only both sides of the harbor at Christmas, but also to foster some amazing cooperation between two cities, which really should become more involved. by CNB