The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, November 15, 1995           TAG: 9511160587
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   54 lines


Mud-slinging politicians bad example for children

Now that Election Day is over, what is left? We have some candidates who are happy and some who will try again.

As I stood behind the curtain today, gazing at the familiar names that I have seen for the last six months, I thought, ``What has the political system come to?'' My children and I have been bombarded, through TV, radio, newspaper and magazines, with name-calling, back-stabbing, cheating and mudslinging, all in the name of running our government.

Where is it going to stop? Will there be a day when hit men are hired to kill the opponent? You should be ashamed of yourselves! What are you teaching my children? Should I cut them off from all media during election time? We parents try to teach children the merits of honesty and to stand on their own two feet, and why it is good not to lie, cheat or call other people names.

The election campaign undermines everything that we try to instill in them. Cannot a candidate have a platform consisting of his own convictions? What were the platforms of our candidates this election year? Does anyone know? I don't. But I do know the dirt on the other guy, whether true or not. There should be a law, but who makes the law? It seems there is a catch-22.

Remember, our children are watching and learning by example!

Jerry Dean Stallings

Smithfield Opponent's camp hopes Barlow will serve well

The voters of the 64th House District have spoken and have re-elected Bill Barlow to another two-year term.

We thank our supporters, those who voted for Debra, and all those who took the time to make a thoughtful and informed decision. As we stated throughout the campaign, we do not believe that the vision of the Democratic Party and their candidate represents the best interests of the citizens of the district; however, he won and we wish him good luck in serving the citizens of this district.

We hope that the issues, ideas and discussion that Debra generated during the campaign will help to shape Mr. Barlow's approach, particularly as the Virginia Legislature becomes responsible for more programs previously run by the federal government, such as health care.

We also hope that Mr. Barlow will take some time to consider the type of campaign he ran and focus on running on his record in the future, abandoning the strategy of personal attacks that have marked his last three campaigns.

Debra Quesinberry

for Delegate Committee by CNB