The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, November 24, 1995              TAG: 9511210142
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   88 lines


Allen's right to crack down on 'this young disruptive segment of society'

I have lived in the same house and neighborhood for over 32 years. I keep my property clean, in good repair and even daily sweep the front gutters which have long been neglected by our city ad-min-is-tra-tion.

To express my belief in our system, I authorized Del. Leo Wardrup and then-Senate candidate Ed Schrock to put signs in my yard. According to our constitutional system of government, I have the right to endorse candidates of my choice.

This same constitutional system of government does not give any right to vandals, adult or child, to trespass on my property as they did on the night of Saturday, Oct. 14. Mr. Wardrup's sign was pulled up and thrown into the side yard. The thief or thieves took Mr. Schrock's sign, probably because it was portable and less conspicuous. Signs are expensive to candidates - even to incumbents who enjoy the advantage of position.

However, this is not the issue.

The issue here, and I am assuming that it was done by children or young adults, is that in trespassing and taking the signs they were violating the law.

Another issue is that vandals are representative of today's youth, which are the product of their upbringing. In the last two years I have encountered more incidents of rudeness on the part of 8-, 9-, 10- or 12-year-olds than I have experienced in the preceding 30 years I've lived here. They have no regard for personal property. They ride their bicycles across newly seeded lawns, skate-board in everyone's driveway other than their own and play games on property without permission.

I have also observed some of the parents, including the good old ``single mom'' who never comes outside to check on these activities, reprimand or discipline these children. I see these latch-key kids with no one home to supervise them.

Recently, I have read a great deal about the school systems requiring a written contract which, even if found unconstitutional, is a step in the right direction. The liberal press with a biased poll has said that Governor Allen's proposed actions to curtail youth violence are wrong, that we should continue the four decades of failed federal and state policy and rehabilitate the little brutes. A trip to the woodshed would be more appropriate.

But I think the time has come to put a 7 p.m. curfew on anyone under 16 and not let them roam the streets, as I see them do every night. To illustrate my point about this young disruptive segment of society, you can go into a fast-food service or restaurant and you will find that dining out is reminiscent of feeding time in the Chicago stockyards.

I would like to believe that the parents of the children in this neighborhood would take heed in reading this letter; however, I doubt that they read the newspaper, or even subscribe to it for that matter. Possibly some civics teacher would be kind enough to inform America's future that removing political signs is against the law, and possibly teach them a little bit about our remarkable Constitution and the rights of others.

C. W. Carr

Bunker Hill Lane Superb golf coach, team at Bayside High

As a parent of graduates and the grandparent of a current student at Bayside High School, it always touches my heart when I learn of outstanding achievements and accomplishments of Bayside High students. I am very proud of Coach Bob Parker and the members of the golf team for their third-place finish in the regional golf tournament.

Coach Parker has done a superb job in taking a few boys with a desire to play golf and instilling in them a competitive attitude and a winner's spirit, while impressing upon them good sportsmanship and requiring certain academic standards. He has molded them into a team that challenged the top teams for a state tournament placement. This group of young men ended the regular season in fifth place, but went to the district tournament with determination and played well, placing third and gaining the opportunity to enter the regional tournament. With 11 high schools and 94 golfers participating, Bayside's team placed third, one stroke short of tying the second-place team.

Bayside High School's golf team should be recognized for its members' determination, sportsmanship and winning attitude. They fought a hard fight, gave it their best with heart and soul and, with the leadership of a dedicated coach, they proved they can achieve higher goals.

Congratulations to the golf team for a job well done and to all the students at Bayside High School who are achieving outstanding accomplishments in both academics and sports.

R. P. Garland

Virginia Beach by CNB