The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, November 29, 1995           TAG: 9511280085
TYPE: Close-Up 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   62 lines


Jim Hill is a shopaholic's dream. He goes to Pembroke Mall every day!

He's not necessarily shopping though. He runs the place. As the mall's general manager, Hill doesn't stay cooped up in his office. He's often out wandering the corridors, stopping to talk to merchants and customers alike, checking out the crowds, the stores and the mall itself.

He's also the subject of great envy. ``When you say you're the manager of Pembroke Mall, people just assume you shop all day,'' he says. And while he does pick up whatever he needs as he's in and out of the stores, he does his serious shopping in the company of his wife. ``I'm more of a tag-along,'' he says. ``A shopper's shadow.''

Full name: James M. Hill.

Hometown: Virginia Beach.

What brought you to the Beach? Born here! Actually, I was born at Norfolk General, but was then transported to the Beach.

Birthdate: April 28, 1953.

Occupation: A certified property manager. General manager Pembroke Mall since July 1994.

Nickname: Jim.

Marital status: Married.

Children: An 8-year-old and a 10-year-old and 16- and 19-year-old stepsons.

What is your idea of a perfect day off? Sports with the kids, dinner and a movie with Connie, my wife.

Last smart thing you did: Cut up all my credit cards!

Last dumb thing you did: Accepted a job in Chicago that didn't pan out.

Favorite meal: Lido Inn's steamed shrimp and giant Greek salad.

Favorite movies: Action/adventure.

Favorite song: ``Life's Been Good To Me So Far'' by Joe Walsh.

Last book read: ``Smart Moves.''

Hobbies: Golf, sports with the kids, surfing, drumming.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? To be a little less spontaneous.

If you could change one thing about your spouse, what would it be? That she worry a little less.

Secret vice: Music.

Favorite restaurant: Outback Steakhouse.

Your favorite night on the town: Saturday.

Favorite TV shows: ``X Files.''

Favorite sport: Baseball.

Last vacation: Anchorage, Alaska.

Pets: Three cats, one guinea pig and five goldfish.

Worst job: Cleaning the kitchen floor.

Of what achievements are you most proud? Great family and a comfortable home.

What would you like as your epitaph? Still following a vision. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by D. KEVIN ELLIOTT

by CNB