The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, November 30, 1995            TAG: 9511290143
DATELINE: MURFREESBORO                       LENGTH: Short :   47 lines


Mike Fleck did not want to go with just anything. He wanted to go with ``Anything Goes.''

The Chowan College sophomore is directing and starring in the Cole Porter musical of life aboard the SS American in the 1920s.

The play is old sailor hat to Fleck, who twice has appeared in it in Pennsylvania, where he also served as assistant director.

Now, he is directing 25 students onstage and backstage, a benefit for The Children's Miracle Network.

``Anything Goes'' will be presented Saturday and Sunday by Chowan College Circle K, which is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Ahoskie.

A preview of coming attractions, plus snacks and drinks, were offered two weeks before opening night, when the performers strutted their stuff before a press audience of one.

The students are strictly on their own.

``The school's Drama department is all volunteers,'' Fleck said. ``They didn't want to work on this play so we decided to do it ourselves.''

From idea to inception took several months of convincing school officials.

``We finally got the go-ahead, but it is entirely in our hands,'' Fleck said. ``We wanted a good project for the Children's Miracle Network.''

The boyish, eager star/director is taking the funny, jazzy Cole Porter musical and ``making it funnier and jazzier,'' he said.

In doing so, the students are living up to the play's title.

Some songs usually sung by women are being performed by men and vice-versa; Some of the musicians, including music director, John Daughtry, are leaving the band to perform onstage.

Since ``Anything Goes'' includes some choreography, some of the non-dancing students had to learn a few tricky steps.

All the students, of course, participate in singing such Cole Porter musical classics as the title tune, ``You're the Top'' ``It's Delovely'' and ``Blow, Gabriel, Blow.''

The performers and the backstage people - including many who are working in both areas - present a picture of eagerness and enthusiasm. Adding to that picture are the authentic, colorful 1920s costumes.

``Anything Goes,'' for those involved, is a labor of love. by CNB