The Virginian-Pilot
                            THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT  
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, December 8, 1995               TAG: 9512080633
DATELINE: MANTEO                             LENGTH: Medium:   70 lines


A 39-year-old real estate appraiser has been appointed to complete the unexpired term of Lee Tugwell on the Manteo Board of Commissioners.

Curtis Creech, now on the town planning board, was chosen Wednesday night to serve out the term of Tugwell, the newly elected mayor.

Creech was appointed after Sarah Owens, the fourth highest vote-getter in last month's at-large race for three seats on the town board, told commissioners earlier this week that she would not accept an appointment to the board.

Creech was approved by a 3-1 vote. Commissioner Dellerva Collins voted against the appointment. Earlier, Commissioner Edward Etheridge had suggested tabling Creech's nomination, saying time was needed because of the unexpected decision by Owens not to serve.

Etheridge's motion was defeated 3-2. Tugwell cast the deciding vote.

Owens, the wife of Dare County Board of Commissioners Chairman Robert V. ``Bobby'' Owens Jr., cited personal reasons for her decision.

Creech said controlled growth for the municipality will be his key area of concern.

``That has always been an interest of mine,'' Creech said. Creech, who turned 39 on Tuesday, said he was approached about serving on the board shortly before the regular Wednesday meeting.

Creech, along with Tugwell and Commissioners Bill Buell and Melvin Jackson, took the oath of office at the meeting. Commissioner-elect Stuart Wescott was absent because of a family illness.

In other action Wednesday, Manteo's new mayor outlined a variety of changes in the format of commission meetings. Those would include allowing public comment on a specific agenda item just prior to that item being discussed.

Public comment on non-agenda items would be allowed at the regular public comment period currently in place.

Also, Tugwell announced that he would favor discontinuing the use of Roberts Rules of Order, and replacing them with Simplified Rules For City Councils, written by Flemming Bell of the North Carolina Institute of Government.

Tugwell said the rules are less cumbersome, and are better suited for small-town governments.

The new mayor also said he would like to limit commissioners' motions and votes to items on the public agenda.

``In the past, we've been criticized for taking action on things that people didn't know about,'' he said. ``I think this would be better for the public.''

Tugwell also announced plans for a Community Policing Board. The eight-member panel, made up of citizens and the chief of police, would not make policy or discipline officers, but would provide better communication between law enforcement and its citizens.

``Sometimes we have police officers who don't understand the kind of law enforcement we want here,'' Tugwell said. ``And sometimes we have citizens who don't understand the obstacles that come with being a police officer.''

The formation of a mayors' committee to plan the town's centennial was announced. Tugwell said the panel will be made up of the community's former mayors.

In other action, the commission:

Honored outgoing commissioners Edward Greene and Bill Daniels for their service to the town.

Heard complaints from Manteo resident Ruth Lewis about the lack of Christmas lights past U.S. 64 at Sir Walter Raleigh Street. The commission agreed to look into the purchase of lights for the area in its budget workshops next year. by CNB