The Virginian-Pilot
                            THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT  
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, December 8, 1995               TAG: 9512080679
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C1   EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Column 
SOURCE: Bob Molinaro 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   69 lines


Enough, already: It's a bit much the way the Gliebermans and CFL commissioner Larry Smith patronize us with comments about what a great ``area'' and ``market'' we've got here, when in reality what they know about Hampton Roads could fit inside the navel of a gnat with room left over for ``quaint, intimate'' Foreman Field.

Musical chairs: Frank Beamer's name is being floated as somebody Georgia wants to consider for its vacant football coaching job, but a more likely candidate is East Carolina's Steve Logan.

Uneasy rider: It's time Norv Turner took the training wheels off Heath Shuler.

Making a racket: Pete Sampras' heroics in Moscow won't be fully appreciated as long as most Americans think the Davis Cup is something you put on top of the Davis saucer.

A ringing review: A reader with an attitude called to make the point that the ``World War III'' wrassling extravaganza at Scope attracted more people than a performance of the ``Phantom of the Opera.'' And the acting was better, too, no doubt.

Fashion statement: Al Capone would have appreciated the Chicago Bulls' new black, pinstriped road uniforms.

Dumb and dumber: Rams quarterback Chris Miller is coming off his third concussion of the season, but when you hear the cavalier comments of St. Louis coach Rich Brooks - ``Getting knocked cuckoo happens in football, it happens in a lot of sports, it happens in life.'' - it makes you wonder who needs the brain scan.

A rocky Rhodes: The Eagles' loss to Seattle on Sunday didn't help his case, but Philadelphia's Ray Rhodes is the leading candidate for NFL coach of the year.

Childish: ESPN must have been appealing to the Howard Stern crowd with its eager promotion of a postgame interview with Miami Dolphins linebacker shock jock Bryan Cox. I suppose the clip was titillating to the junior high audience, though it offered nothing more than a chance to see how many ``beeps'' could be inserted onto the tape. Some advice for ESPN - grow up.

Election results: Florida quarterback Danny Wuerffel could finish third in the Heisman Trophy race despite being voted by Southeastern Conference coaches to the second-team All-SEC squad behind Peyton Manning of Tennessee.

Brick throwers: The way college basketball players shoot the ball these days, it's surprising more teams don't play zone defense.

All in the family: This year's new NCAA champion women's soccer team from South Bend, Ind., has connections with Hampton Roads. Notre Dame coach Chris Petrucelli's wife, Eve, is the daughter of the late Abe Goldblatt, former Virginian-Pilot institution. Eve and Chris met when Petrucelli was assistant men's soccer coach at Old Dominion.

In passing: Perhaps Wake Forest center Tim Duncan needs a mean streak.

Missing Persons Dept.: Ever wonder what happened to former Indiana basketball idol Damon Bailey? Cut by the Indiana Pacers, he's playing in the CBA for the Chicago Rockers.

Snow job: Now that snowboarding is an Olympic sport, it's only a matter of time before medals are given out for shoveling the white stuff.

Anticipation: Think Kentucky basketball fans don't have high expectations? A travel agency in Lexington, Ky., already has booked 900 people for a trip to East Rutherford, N.J., for the Final Four. If the Wildcats aren't there, the fans can always enjoy the swampy scenery.

Humility check: College football teams with 6-5 records should at least have the decency to blush before heading off to bowl games. by CNB