The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, December 15, 1995              TAG: 9512150010
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A18  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   49 lines


Jack Dorsey's thoughts on the assignment of women to combatant positions demonstrated he has gained little insight into the purpose of our military in the years he has written about the subject.

I will try to convey the true picture of what is going on ``inside'' our armed forces.

Lesbian-feminists and homosexual males have influenced the Clinton administration into treating our military as a social experiment rather than the formerly proud fighting force it was. Standards have been lowered, and quotas created, based on the false premise that minorities need to be lead by someone who looks like they do. The truth is, our warriors will follow a man whom they know has earned the right to command in a fair selection system. Minority and female officers have been promoted simply to present an appearance of successful assimilation into the fighting forces. Accomplished warriors of any color would not trust these ``tokens'' to lead in combat. A solution is to remove all references to race from hiring an appraisal documents.

Our admirals and generals have been reduced to politicians. Senior officers with guts, who speak the truth, are quickly disciplined and removed. Our men are being forced to attend re-education camps to ensure they recite exactly the latest version of the Democratic party multiculturalism line. Some women have cried wolf alleging harassment, but if they were not in a job that should be held by a young father to support his family, the opportunity for their tender hides to be irritated would vanish.

Admiral Boorda once claimed that to support the ``600 ship Navy'' some women might be needed to make up for shortfalls in young men. Now we have reduced our Navy closer to half that number. There is no logical reason to continue this bad idea.

Most importantly, the citizens are paying taxes to maintain a fighting force. Our political leadership should focus on delivering the best warriors this country can muster. The same for our police and fire departments. A tough man, focused on protecting ``mom and the kids'' is far more fierce in battle, and provides a better deterrent than the tattoed lesbian-feminist sailors we have now.


Hampton, Dec. 6, 1996 by CNB