The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, December 16, 1995            TAG: 9512160249
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B7   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   87 lines


These are the actions from the Norfolk City Council meeting Tuesday. All members were present. Unless otherwise noted, all actions were unanimous.


On the application of City Planning Commission to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Norfolk, 1992, to provide reduction in off-street parking requirements for certain commercial land uses in the 21st Street Pedestrian Commercial Overlay District. Adopted, 6-1; Paul R. Riddick voted no.

To amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Norfolk, 1992, to add new regulations pertaining to communication towers and antennas. Adopted, 6-1; Riddick voted no.

To hear comments on an application for exemption from real and personal property taxes for the Child Abuse Center of Hampton Roads. Adopted.

To hear comments on establishing a project called ``Fire Headquarters and Training Facility Relocations'' in the amount of $6,200,000. Adopted.


Letter presenting recommendation of the City Planning Commission on the application of First Baptist Church of Lamberts Point to amend the General Plan and the Lamberts Point Neighborhood Plan by changing the land use design in the area to construct a parking lot at 1257 W. 39th St. Recommended action: Public hearing scheduled for Jan. 9, 1996. Adopted.

Letter on the application of First Baptist Church of Lamberts Point for a change of zoning from R-8 (one family) to IN-1 (institutional) at 1257 W. 39th St. Recommended action: Public hearing on Jan. 9, 1996. Adopted, 7-0.

Letter transmitting financial statements as of Oct. 31, 1995. Adopted.

Letter in accordance with Chapter 33.1-40 of the Code, sole source procurement of mobile data terminals, police radios and five-channel expansion of the radio system. Adopted.

Letter in accordance with Chapter 33.1-40 of the Code, emergency procurement for the Department of Utilities. Adopted.


An ordinance to amend and re-ordain Section 25-652 of the Norfolk City Code, 1979, to add four new subsections making Beechmont Avenue, Mapleton Avenue, Woodland Avenue and Parish Road one-way streets. Adopted.

An ordinance accepting an $80,000 Department of Youth and Family Services grant and appropriating said amount. Adopted.

An ordinance approving an agreement between the city, HUD and the state relating to implementation of the Enterprise Community Strategic Plan. Adopted.

An ordinance authorizing the operation of a Yacht Club at 765 W. 48th St. Adopted, 6-1; Riddick voted no.

An ordinance authorizing the use of property at 2344 E. Little Creek Road for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption. Adopted.

An ordinance authorizing the operation of a Commercial Recreation Center at 2344 E. Little Creek Road. Adopted.

An ordinance authorizing the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption at 328 W. 20th St. Adopted.

An ordinance authorizing the city treasurer to docket a lien against certain lands or premises for the expenses to abate nuisances. Adopted.

An ordinance authorizing the application for and acceptance of a $112,500 grant for Human Services from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the ``Ounce of Prevention'' grant program and providing $37,500 in in-kind services as the city's match and appropriating the grant funds and in-kind match. Adopted.

An ordinance to amend and re-ordain sections 25-652 and 25-653 of the Norfolk City Code, 1979, to add four new one-way streets and three new yield signs. Adopted.

An ordinance authorizing the use of property in the 100 block of Maycox Avenue for off-lot parking. Adopted.

An ordinance to amend and re-ordain section 24-47 of the Norfolk City Code, 1979, to require payment of local taxes before issuance of a Norfolk business license. Continued to Jan. 16, 1996.

An ordinance approving a lease with Peter G. Decker Jr., for certain premises known as 731 Monticello Ave., for use by the Sheriff's Department for the Pretrial Services Program. Adopted.

An ordinance creating and deleting positions in the Department of Law. Adopted.


Letter from the city manager and an ordinance entitled ``An ordinance approving the conveyance of city-owned property located at 909 Marshall Ave. to Norfolk State University. Approved.

Resolution reappointing two persons to the Norfolk Public Vehicle Driver Appeals Board. Approved.