The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Monday, December 18, 1995              TAG: 9512180072
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B1   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: HARRISONBURG                       LENGTH: Short :   35 lines


The James Madison University board of visitors has proposed a 12 percent increase in the school's 1996-98 budget.

The $318 million spending plan, endorsed by the board Friday, is more than the amount the State Council on Higher Education in Virginia has recommended Gov. George F. Allen place in his two-year budget proposal.

University officials said they do not expect Allen to support the entire budget request - the school's largest ever - when the governor unveils his two-year budget today.

However, board members said they plan to lobby the General Assembly to increase funding for the university.

The budget includes $9.9 million to fill 102 new staff and faculty positions, said Linwood H. Rose, the school's executive vice president.

The university is seeking more staff and faculty because it expects enrollment to increase by 3,000 students over the next decade, including an influx of about 1,800 within the next two years, according to school spokesman Fred D. Hilton.

The board also endorsed the biggest capital budget ever - $100.7 million, including $40 million for work on three new buildings.

The State Council on Higher Education has recommended to Allen that $94.4 million be allocated for the school's capital budget. by CNB