The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Monday, December 18, 1995              TAG: 9512180143
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C6   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: ST. LOUIS                          LENGTH: Medium:   73 lines


Ten bucks says Heath Shuler telephones Green Bay Packers defensive end Reggie White this week, looking for a holiday miracle.

The Washington Redskins' second-year quarterback appears finished for the season after suffering a fractured fifth finger and a badly bruised ring finger of his right hand during Washington's 38-23 victory over the St. Louis Rams at the Trans World Dome.

Coach Norv Turner said as much after the game. So did trainer Bubba Tyer.

``Now, wait a minute,'' Shuler said when it was his turn. ``Reggie White got healed. I'll just keep praying. We've got a couple of days before we have to go to practice Wednesday. I want to play.''

The injury occurred with 39 seconds to play in the first half and Washington up 14-10 and marching. On first down from the Rams' 23, Shuler was blitzed, rolled left trying to escape and, just as he started to raise his arm to throw the ball away, had it stripped from his grasp by linebacker Cedric Figaro. The Rams' Dexter Davis recovered.

``It either got stepped on or my weight fell on it,'' Shuler said of his hand.

X-rays at halftime were inconclusive, and Shuler was given the option of deciding whether to play. He and Gus Frerotte jogged out at the start of the second half. Shuler threw a couple of passes and told Frerotte he couldn't grip the ball. Subsequent X-rays revealed the fracture.

``There was someone behind me who can play really well,'' Shuler said. ``Gus did a fabulous job.''

Frerotte completed 5 of 10 passes for 58 yards and one interception.

Shuler, the much-maligned former No. 1 pick, played better. He was in the midst of his sharpest pro performance when he went down.

He had completed 10 of 13 for 103 yards. He had connected with running back Brian Mitchell on a 22-yard shovel pass for a touchdown and had completed a 25-yard pass to Michael Westbrook three plays before he was injured.

``Things were clicking,'' he said. ``We were getting some plays done, and it was really exciting to be out there and part of a big win.''

Frerotte will start in the season finale against Carolina if Shuler can't.

THROWING WEIGHT AROUND: Among Shuler's major contributions was a devastating block on Jimmie Jones on a 10-yard end-around by Michael Westbrook during Washington's first touchdown drive.

On first down from the St. Louis 35, Shuler handed off to Terry Allen, who barely eluded end Kevin Carter before giving the ball to Westbrook coming the other way. Jones had the angle to tackle Westbrook for a large loss, but Shuler measured him, squared his shoulders and rocked Jones to the turf.

``In eighth grade, I played right guard and wore No. 67,'' Shuler said when asked where he learned to block. ``I remember a lot of things from those days.''

RUGGED FOR RYPIEN: Mark Rypien threw for 347 yards Sunday but couldn't enjoy passing the 300-yard milestone for the 14th time in his career.

``I'd give anything for a win,'' Rypien said after his team was all but eliminated from playoff contention by the franchise he had led to Super Bowl XXVI.

Rypien completed 34 of 50 but had an interception returned 51 yards for a score by Tom Carter and was sacked twice by Tim Johnson, losing a fumble to Marvcus Patton on the latter.

``We handed them some gifts,'' he said. ``But give them credit, too. They played hard and they had nothing to play for. We just didn't get it done.

``The game being Washington, I was really looking forward to this game. But I didn't play very well. It happens, and I'm as disappointed as anyone.'' ILLUSTRATION: ASSOCIATED PRESS photo

Redskins QB Heath Shuler spent the second half on the sidelines with

his right hand wrapped. A broken finger likely has ended his second


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