The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, December 24, 1995              TAG: 9512230007
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   52 lines


I read Frank O. Strailman's ``Nation's military should be all male'' (letter, Dec 15) with shock. To think someone still has thoughts such as this today.

I can only guess Mr. Strailman is active-duty military since he attempts to ``convey the true picture of what is going on `inside' our armed forces.''

I have been serving on active duty for more than 15 years. I am in the Navy in the ``nontraditional'' rating for females: I am an engineman. When I enlisted, it was almost unheard of for a female to be in this rating. For Mr. Strailman to assume every female who serves their country proudly is a ``lesbian-feminist'' enrages me.

I have served in Desert Storm/Shield. I never remember any thoughts of fighting for the homefront. I believe those concerns ended with the Civil War era. There is no fighting force attempting to take over with guns and missiles (drug wars, etc., excepted) for religious reasons, or the purpose of land ownership in the United States that I am aware of. My thoughts were of serving my country, doing what needed to be done, and coming home in one piece.

As troops go to Bosnia, while their hearts are home with their loved ones, I believe what makes them ``fierce'' in battle will be the thought of being able to get back home safely to those they love, not the thought of ``a tough man focused on protecting `mom and the kids.'''

Mr. Strailman further states: ``Our men are being forced to attend re-education camps to ensure they recite exactly the latest version of the Democratic Party mulitculturalism line.'' I believe the men and women of the Navy were required to attend the latest standdown for sexual harassment. I might also add, this latest incident was started by a male, same as the Tailhook scandal the Navy cannot seem to get away from.

If what Mr. Strailman feels is true - that standards have been lowered and quotas created - then I would have been promoted to the next higher level without waiting more than four years along with my male counterparts for advancement.

Mr. Strailman should look at people for their abilities, not their color, their sex or even their sexual preferences. For each female who cannot perform a task, somewhere is a male who also cannot perform that same task. Also, for each female who tries to shirk work, there is a male who also tries the same thing.


Virginia Beach, Dec 16, 1995 by CNB