The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, December 28, 1995            TAG: 9512280551
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B3   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: VIRGINIA BEACH                     LENGTH: Short :   38 lines


School officials are optimistic that students will return on schedule next Wednesday to Cooke Elementary School, where the discovery of asbestos fibers prompted the cancellation of classes Friday.

``There should not be any disturbance in getting students back to school Jan. 3,'' said Anne Meek, executive assistant to the superintendent for community and media relations.

Students districtwide are on winter break.

The results of tests conducted Wednesday should be available before school leaders meet with parents at 7 p.m. today at the school, 524 15th St., said John S. Kalocay, chief operations officer for the public schools.

Visual and air sample tests done late last week revealed three or four ``suspect areas'' besides the coat closet where fibers were first found, Kalocay said. A teacher had reported finding white powder in the closet. When the study revealed asbestos fibers, officials began testing schoolwide.

``We've cleaned up all the areas there were concerns over, and we're testing again,'' Kalocay said.

Asbestos abatement work was done this summer at Cooke. School officials were told that test results afterward indicated all of the potentially harmful substance had been removed. When school officials were notified last Thursday that the powder found in the closet showed asbestos, students were immediately removed from the second-grade classroom next to the closet and that room was sealed.

Classes were called off last Friday for all Cooke students as a precaution. Principal Greg Anderson sent a letter home to parents at that time, explaining what was known about the situation and promising to keep them informed. by CNB