The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, December 31, 1995              TAG: 9512290268
TYPE: Editorial 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   35 lines


A letter in The Currents today tells of one person's emotional devastation caused by vandalism at a child's grave in Olive Branch Cemetery. Sadly, similar hurt was inflicted around the city by vandals with no respect for the living or the dead.

Oak Grove and Cedar Grove also have their share of vandalism. Thoughtless people have destroyed many historical gravestones. The lack of respect for cemeteries has all but stopped survivors from visiting graves of loved ones on a regular basis.

One group of volunteers has worked to restore some of the historic markers in Oak Grove, a cemetery that is a National Historic Landmark because of the large number of war heroes and prominent Americans buried there.

The city has dragged its feet about repairing or replacing broken gates and still refuses to close and lock the downtown cemeteries after dark. Since Olive Branch is not fenced, it would be impossible to lock it, but some effort should be made to keep an eye on things since the city has security in place for adjacent City Park.

It would be preferable if people had respect for the city's graveyards. But since that does not seem to be the case, the city should make a concerted effort to lock those than can be locked and to keep at eye on all of them. Vandals who steal or destroy anything in a cemetery should be prosecuted. by CNB