The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, January 24, 1996            TAG: 9601240530
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C6   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: NORFOLK                            LENGTH: Short :   44 lines


Officials from the Pirates Canadian Football League team officially bade farewell to Hampton Roads Tuesday amid reports they might merge with the San Antonio Texans.

The Toronto Sun reports that Texans owner Fred Anderson and Pirates owner Bernie Glieberman have informally discussed a merger. The new team would play in San Antonio.

The Pirates' two-month stay in Hampton Roads ended last week when the Norfolk and Virginia Beach city councils told them they weren't wanted. They had relocated their offices from Shreveport, La., to Virginia Beach in November.

Tuesday morning they held a sparsely-attended press conference at the downtown Omni Hotel to thank their supporters. They will close their office later this week.

The Pirates also might relocate to Dallas. The team completed the second day of telemarketing research Tuesday in Dallas, which team president Lonie Glieberman said would be critical in determining his team's future. It's possible the team will fold or suspend operations for a year.

``We knew it was going to work here,'' Lonie Glieberman said. ``Elsewhere, we just don't know.''

Glieberman and executive vice president Bill Haase flew to Detroit Tuesday afternoon to meet with Bernie Glieberman, coach Forrest Gregg and John Ritchie, chief financial officer of the Gliebermans real estate empire. The team's fate likely will be decided at that meeting.

Haase said the team's 2,700 season-ticket holders in Hampton Roads will begin receiving refunds early next week. Those who guaranteed tickets with credit cards will receive letters saying their cards will not be charged. Those who paid by check will receive refunds.

The team spent more than $130,000 in 2 1/2 months in Hampton Roads.

``We're sorry things didn't work out,'' Lonie Glieberman said. ``We enjoyed our stay here. We love the area.

``Hopefully, our paths will cross again.'' by CNB