The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, January 25, 1996             TAG: 9601230082
TYPE: Close-Up 
SOURCE: Janelle La Bouve 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   70 lines


The first time Bertha Escoffery set foot on African soil, she felt a strong sense of belonging.

``Just being on the continent where my people came from, I felt - my gosh - there's some kinship here,'' she said. ``It was a reuniting with a kindred people that I never knew.''

Escoffery, a teacher of English and director of International Studies and Programs at Norfolk State University, attended a U.S.-African Cities Conference in Senegal, West Africa, and visited the University of Dakar.

``It was my first trip to Africa,'' she said, ``but it won't be my last.''

At the university in West Africa, she found that students are more serious about their studies and take less interest in sports than American students.

``They have a lot more interaction between faculty and students there than we have in the United States,'' she said.

Escoffery acts as a mentor to students who come to Norfolk State on fellowships from the South African Black University Faculty Enhancement Skills Program, sponsored by the African American Institute and the South African government.

``We have an agreement with the University of Dakar for a student-teacher exchange,'' Escoffery said. ``It's really a learning experience for me. Their culture is so different from ours.''

She recently was appointed to the Board of Directors for the Norfolk Sister City Association.

Escoffery also works with the staff of the student newspaper at Norfolk State, The Spartan Echo. In addition, she recently has been involved in planning at Norfolk State for a study-aboard summer program to South Africa.

She taught in Norfolk public schools for 10 years and at Tidewater Community College for 12 years before taking a leave of absence to earn a doctoral degree in English from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Full name: Bertha Taylor Escoffery.

Hometown: Norfolk.

Fond childhood memories: ``Playing with my brothers and sisters, playing checkers and dominoes with my father and going to Sunday school.''

Spouse: Aubrey S. Escoffery.

Children: A daughter, Phyllis.

Occupation: Director of the International Associate Studies Program and associate professor at Norfolk State University

Hobbies: ``Reading, traveling, meeting new people, working with young adults, doing volunteer work, creative writing, dancing and entertaining at my house, especially my students.''

Last book read: ``Long Distance Life.''

Favorite song: ``Wind Beneath My Wings.''

Favorite movie: `` `Malcolm X' - I've probably seen it 10 times in the last 1 1/2 years.''

Can't resist: ``When I'm out of town, I can't resist shopping, especially for shoes.''

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? ``I would do one thing differently: I would have gotten my doctoral degree much earlier.''

Favorite way to spend a day off: ``Spending time with my husband, relaxing at home, finding time to spend with my daughter and listening to music.''

Pet peeve: ``People who promise to do something and then fail to follow through with it.'' ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by STEVE EARLEY

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