The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, February 1, 1996             TAG: 9602010415
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C1   EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Column 
SOURCE: Tom Robinson
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   83 lines


For the 15 minutes that he spoke at Granby High School on Wednesday morning, Penn State football coach Joe Paterno, straight arrow that he is, never once used the ``A'' word.

``A'' as in Anthony King, Granby's multi-talented quarterback and defensive back who has announced he will gladly enter Penn State's so-called Happy Valley next fall.

``I'm not allowed to mention his name, but I think you all know the young man we're recruiting,'' Paterno said from the auditorium's stage as King listened from the front-row aisle.

NCAA regulations prevent Paterno from publicly talking about or being pictured with King, or any recruit, before he signs a national letter-of-intent with the Nittany Lions next Wednesday.

He could talk to King and his classmates, though. So about 300 of Granby's fall-season athletes sat in to hear the 69-year-old coaching legend offer encouraging words about self-esteem, pursuing education and reaching out to others.

The respectful silence was noticeable - rustling and such was minimal for a gathering of youth so large - as Paterno spoke without a microphone, pacing the front of the stage.

He was on familiar turf, in more ways than one. Since he bagged Kempsville High School running back D.J. Dozier in 1983, Paterno has mined an impressive share of South Hampton Roads' athletic talent.

Included in that take have been Deep Creek's Darren Perry and Green Run's Keith Goganious, now of the Pittsburgh Steelers and Jacksonville Jaguars, respectively, and current defensive starters Chris Snyder of Indian River and Brandon Noble of First Colonial.

``We'd like to get a couple of kids out of here every year,'' Paterno said before the assembly, stepping away momentarily from a swarm of camera-toting Granby faculty and office staff. ``No question this area has as many good athletes per capita as any area. In every sport.''

Through it all, the guy behind Paterno's appearance seemed slightly stunned by what he had wrought.

``I didn't find out about the assembly until this morning,'' King said as a few media soldiers circulated about. ``I didn't quite want all this attention.''

To touch base with King, Paterno passed through Norfolk on a swing that took him back to State College Wednesday afternoon, but will have him in Pittsburgh and Seattle in the next couple days.

He spent time early Wednesday morning at King's home after King had left for school. And before re-boarding his Penn State jet, Paterno placed a surprise phone call to Virginia Beach's Rene Hudak, mother of Granby football coach Dave Hudak and ``a big Joe Paterno fan,'' Hudak said.

Good news for Paterno-ites everywhere: Their man promises to stalk the sidelines - black shoes, white socks, cuffed pants and all - for another ``five, six, seven, eight years. I don't know,'' he said.

``There's nothing about my job I don't like. I guess the only thing that gets to me a little bit is the actual physical travel.''

Not that you could tell by looking at Paterno's trim, athletic figure wrapped in a navy blue suit or his head of black hair that sports only touches of gray.

He walks a lot, they say, to stay lean. And everybody knows he wins a lot, 278 times in 353 games since 1966 - a mark bested in Division I only by Bear Bryant, Pop Warner and Amos Alonzo Stagg.

``I always try to be realistic with the kids that are coming in now when they ask if I'll be there their whole time,'' Paterno said.

``I tell them yes. I really don't want to get out. I might miss something.'' ILLUSTRATION: [Color Photos]


The Virginian-Pilot

Joe Paterno emphasizes a point during an assembly at Granby on

Wednesday. Paterno was in town to touch base with the Comets'

Anthony King, who plans to sign with Penn State next week.

``I didn't find out about the assembly until this morning,'' said

Anthony King, a quarterback and defensive back. ``I didn't quite

want all this attention.''

by CNB