The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, February 2, 1996               TAG: 9602010144
TYPE: Letters 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   87 lines


Deficit hurting students

If all else fails, make the children pay. That seems to be the attitude that school officials have taken concerning the budget crisis. The Virginia Beach City Public Schools system is in serious trouble. The deficit has climbed to over $12 million, and officials are looking everywhere for money.

Not excluded in this search are the recipients of the money. Public school students are feeling the result of the crunch. However, the funds spent on students are worth every penny.

Money is being spent on field trips, supplies and equipment. Children deserve even more than the allotted dollars spent on each student per school year.

Some genius has even proposed that enrichment activities like field trips be cut. At the least, each school has to pay $1 per mile to help pay for field trips. According to the plan, the school's PTA could help foot the bill.

The cutback thus far has reach $370,000 but that is just the start. An additional $1.8 million will eventually be cut.

Another way to increase revenue is by raising the price of student lunches. As of Feb. 1, students must now fork over an additional dime for their midday meal. That brings the grand total to $1.20. Prices also will be raised once again in the 1996-97 school year, which will bring in an additional 20 cents daily per student. Why don't officials just pull the food out of hungry students' mouths?

But the buck doesn't stop there. School buildings are hurting from the cuts, too. Custodial services, which ensure the cleanliness of schools, are being cut. Those drafting the cutbacks must figure that a little dirt doesn't hurt anybody. Maybe not to them, but ask an asthma sufferer, and one may hear a different tune.

Teachers also bear the brunt. They must now scrape up money for additional supplies using their wallets. At least they care enough to give students the materials needed. These overworked and underpaid deserve a round of applause.

Together, the school system will square off against cutbacks. However, this crisis should have never been allowed to occur. Instead of electing a new superintendent, a few concerned teachers, parents and students could take on the job. What is there to lose?

Chera Reid

11th-grade student

Tallwood High School

U.S. interests come first

We believe that sending the troops to Bosnia is very humane of us, yet we are beginning to doubt our feelings. Deep down inside, we are yearning for a miracle to occur and we not send so many troops to Bosnia. The reason for this change of heart is because we now realize that if Clinton does decide to finally send our troops there, then he would be taking away our brothers.

JoAnne's brother is now serving in the Army, and my brother-in-law is an Army officer. As of this moment, he is in North Korea, and we are not sure whether he is going or not. We are concerned for all those Bosnian families who are in desperate need of our help, but we also are concerned for our families.

So, to top it all off, we just have one statement for Clinton:

America is in desperate need, too. Every day, there are hundreds of people here in the homefront being slaughtered, raped, children being abused, etc. You're concerned about a nation in trouble, but the United States has been in trouble for a long time.

Jennifer Sur

JoAnne Carlos

Eighth-grade students

Landstown Middle School

Fla. student needs help

Hi! My name is Kelly. I go to Brentwood Elementary in Sarasota, Fla. I am 10 years old.

In Social Studies we are learning about all of the states in the United States. I have chosen to learn more about the state of Virginia. The reason I chose this state is because my friend said it was nice.

I would appreciate your help. If you read this letter and would like to help with my project, could you please send any information about your state that you can. Pictures, maps, pamphlets, post cards, etc.

You may send the information to: Kelly Butler, 2500 Vinson Ave., Brentwood Elementary, Sarasota, Fla. 34232.

Thank you for making my project a success.

Kelly Butler

Sarasota, Fla. by CNB