The Virginian-Pilot
                            THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT  
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, February 10, 1996            TAG: 9602090034
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A10  EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   43 lines


I was appalled to read ``Sailor seeks justice in sexual-harassment case'' (news, Jan. 30), about 3rd Class Petty Officer Steven M. Marion. I am a retired female petty officer and was deployed several times during my career with men as a part of my service to my country. I feel that it is my obligation as a female and a retired petty officer to come to this man's defense.

Women and men should both be outraged when frivolous sexual-harassment suits are brought against people. These women should understand that when they bring a frivolous charge against someone, not only do they damage that person's reputation and career but they also detract from real sexual-harassment claims. If women persist in becoming offended over everything male, then no sexual-harassment complaint will be taken seriously; and if they are taken seriously, there is the chance that the system will overreact as in the case of Petty Officer Marion. Either way, both women and men lose.

Women have worked to become equal partners in the military with their male counterparts. If they are going to be offended by every minor male behavior, then the fight for equality was a wasted effort because men will soon begin to shut out women because they are afraid to talk them, just in case the perception could be misinterpreted.

The Navy did not follow its own rules regarding what sexual harassment is and is not.

I was in the Navy for the sexual-harassment standdown; the rules for determining what sexual harassment is or isn't were very clear to me. Petty Officer Marion was unlucky enough to have officers who obviously didn't attend the standdown instructions or who clearly don't understand, still, what true sexual harassment is.


Norfolk, Jan. 31, 1996 by CNB