The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, February 14, 1996           TAG: 9602130080
TYPE: Close-Up 
SOURCE: Jody R. Snider 
DATELINE: RESCUE                             LENGTH: Medium:   70 lines


MOST PASTORS OF SMALL churches want to make the climb to a larger church at some point in their careers.

Not Carl Cuthrell, 61-year-old pastor of Rescue Friends Church in Rescue.

This Quaker church, built in 1913, became Cuthrell's home 25 years ago.

And he says the 30-member congregation is his family.

``It's a calling to serve in a small church for any length of time. I've never been interested in moving on to a larger church. I'm here because these people need a pastor, and I enjoy doing it. It's my calling.''

Although the church is Quaker, these are not Quakers who sit in silence. Their worship format more resembles a Methodist or Baptist service with preaching, hymns and prayer, Cuthrell says. But the small congregation still upholds the Quaker doctrine of nonviolence.

Cuthrell enjoys pastoring the small congregation because it's a church where everyone cares for each other. For example, Wednesday night services sometimes are held at Riverside Convalescent Center-Smithfield because the church's oldest member, Edison Skeeter, 95, lives there.

``We hold prayer meetings there just so he can participate,'' Cuthrell says.

Name: Carl E. Cuthrell

What brought you to Isle of Wight County? A call to pastor Rescue Friends Church in 1970.

Birthdate/hometown: Aug. 13, 1934/Norfolk

What's your fondest childhood memory? Going to the library and learning to read.

Marital status and children: Married to Naomi Lorene Marshall. Sons: Byron and Benjamin.

What was your first job/worst job? U.S. Army Medical Service Corps/no worst job.

Occupation: Pastor/teacher

If you had a choice, what other type of work would you be doing today? There are no other jobs I would choose.

What's your favorite hangout? Bookstores

Favorite night out on the town? Dinner and a symphony concert

Favorite food/drink: Chinese food/coffee

Favorite movies/TV show: Biblical movies/``Masterpiece Theater''

Book you wish everyone would read: The Bible

What's your idea of a perfect vacation? To visit Europe; the places that mean a great deal to me.

I can't resist: Chocolate

Few people know that . . . I have authored many short stories and magazine articles.

If you won the lottery, what would you do? I would give the bulk of it to the church and good missionary causes.

What is the best advice you've ever heard? ``To reverence all living things'' - Dr. Albert Schweitzer.

What do you think is the best thing about yourself? I know myself, my abilities and limitations, and I know the Lord Jesus as my Savior.

If you could trade places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why? I think each one of us is given a life, and we're to live it the best we can. I've had heroes, but no one that I'd want to trade places with.

Of which achievements are you most proud? My success as a teacher. I teach at Central Baptist School in Hampton. I have seen many of my students become successful in life. ILLUSTRATION: Photo by JODY R. SNIDER

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